Додано: 19 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 312 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

                            A STORMY DEBATE

    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

1. Because of Hurricane Katrina ...

варіанти відповідей

most of New Orleans was covered in water.

New Orleans was hit by a tsunami.

New Orleans lost SOT of its water.

230,000 people were killed.

Запитання 2


    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

2. Experts around the world ...

варіанти відповідей

agree on the reasons for bad weather.

do not agree on the reasons for bad weather.

are meteorologists.

are changing the weather.

Запитання 3


    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

harsh weather - суворі погодні умови

3. According to some scientists, in the past 100 years ...

варіанти відповідей

there are more cyclones.

there have been more tsunamis.

people have been watching too much television.

the weather has not become worse.

Запитання 4

                            A STORMY DEBATE

    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

4. One reason for the harsh weather could be because ..

варіанти відповідей

there is more information about people.

we see and hear more about the weather.

more people travel around the world.

we don’t read enough newspapers.

Запитання 5


    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

5. Some scientists believe global warming ...

варіанти відповідей

is a reason for the change in summers.

is affecting the climate.

is not hurting the environment.

is producing greenhouse gases.

Запитання 6


    One of the worst storms ever to hit the United States was Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The storm flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 was also a huge disaster that killed 230,000 people. But the reasons for terrible weather conditions have led to a lot of disagreement between scientists and meteorologists around the world.

    Some experts say that in the past 100 years there haven’t been any real major changes in the weather. They say that harsh weather is something that occurs naturally and that it isn’t getting any worse. The reason that people think it is getting worse is due to the fact that, nowadays, there is more information on weather events around the world in newspapers, on the radio and on television.

There are, however, scientists who believe that global warming is affecting the climate. They believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for making the Earth warmer. Which theory do you agree with? The truth is, with more research and discussion into the reasons for harsh weather conditions, the brighter the world’s future will be.

6. According to the text ... are responsible for making the planet warmer.

варіанти відповідей

air pollution

acid rains

huge enterprices and factories

greenhouse gases

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