Pizza, spaghetti and tiramisu come from ...
Baguettes, croissants, cheese come from ...
People there eat rice and noodles, chicken and fish.
Choose countable nouns
Choose uncountable nouns
We need … tomatoes for the salad.
Do you need … carrots for your pie?
There isn’t … meat in the fridge. Let’s go to the shop.
They want … popcorn to watch the film.
Use there is / there are to complete the sentences. (Використайте конструкцію there is / there are щоб доповнити речення.)
_______ some milk in the fridge.
Use there is / there are to complete the sentences. (Використайте конструкцію there is / there are, щоб доповнити речення.)
_____ some bananas on the table
Поставте речення в Present Perfect. Виберіть правильний варіант.
You … (not buy) any eggs.
Напиши речення в Present Perfect.
Jane … (eat) some fish
Напиши речення в Present Perfect.
Sam … (not make) a cake yet.
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