К.р 5 карпюк урок 1-2 TIME FOR OUTDOORS

Додано: 20 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 67 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

1) In Lviv the weather is going to be cloudy/rainy on Sunday.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

2) In Ivano-Frankivsk it won’t be cold/foggy on Sunday.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

3) In Sumy it will be sunny/snowy on Saturday.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

4) In Kyiv it will be slippery/snowy on Saturday.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

5) It’s cold and windy.

варіанти відповідей

I’m going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.

I’m going to put my raincoat and boots on.

I’m going to put my T-shirt and shorts on.

I’m going to put my swimsuit on.

I’m going to put my tracksuit and trainers on.

I’m going to put my warm hat, scarf and mittens on.

Запитання 6

6) Let’s go to play football.

варіанти відповідей

I’m going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.

I’m going to put my raincoat and boots on.

I’m going to put my T-shirt and shorts on.

I’m going to put my swimsuit on.

I’m going to put my tracksuit and trainers on.

I’m going to put my warm hat, scarf and mittens on.

Запитання 7

7) It’s snowing outdoors.

варіанти відповідей

I’m going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.

I’m going to put my raincoat and boots on.

I’m going to put my T-shirt and shorts on.

I’m going to put my swimsuit on.

I’m going to put my tracksuit and trainers on.

I’m going to put my warm hat, scarf and mittens on.

Запитання 8

8) It’s hot and sunny.

варіанти відповідей

I’m going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.

I’m going to put my raincoat and boots on.

I’m going to put my T-shirt and shorts on.

I’m going to put my swimsuit on.

I’m going to put my tracksuit and trainers on.

I’m going to put my warm hat, scarf and mittens on.

Запитання 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

9) It___________(to snow) outdoors now.

варіанти відповідей


is snowing


Запитання 10

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

10) it often___________ (to rain) here in spring?

варіанти відповідей


is rainning


Запитання 11

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

11) My parents _____________(to buy) me a new computer game yesterday.

варіанти відповідей


are buying


Запитання 12

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

12) It’s cloudy and Kate __________ (not to sunbathe) now.

варіанти відповідей

doesn`t sunbathe

isn't sunbathing

didn't sunbathe

Запитання 13

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

13) What Mike _______________usually ______________(to wear) in winter?

варіанти відповідей

does, wear

is, wearing

did, wear

Запитання 14

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

14) Where __________you ____________(to go) last Sunday?

варіанти відповідей

do, go

are, going

did, go

Запитання 15

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple Tense.

15) I _______________ (to go) to the cinema.

варіанти відповідей


am going


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