Карпюк 4 клас It's my life

Додано: 16 жовтня
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Find the right pairs. Обери декiлька правильних відповідей

варіанти відповідей

My -your, he-his

he-his, she-her, we -our

I -my, they-their

you-your, we-our

Запитання 2

Обери декілька відповідей

варіанти відповідей

I am fond of dancing.

I am going to run the Music Club.

Tom is good in Maths.

I am fond of dancing.

I am going tojoin the Music Club.

Tom is interested in in Maths.

My friend collects stickers.

I have got a big collection of stamps.

My friend collection stickers.

I have got a big collect of stamps.

Запитання 3

Вибери правильно утворені заперечні і питальні речення

 + I listen to rap music.

+ He plays volleyball.

варіанти відповідей

He doesn't play volleyball. Does he play volleyball?

I don't listen to rap music. Do I listen to music?

I doesn't listen to rap music. Do I listen to music?

He doesn't play volleyball. Do he play volleyball?

Запитання 4

Вибери 3 правильно утворені речення

варіанти відповідей

I am playing a game.

I am not playing a game.

He are reading a book.

He aren't reading a book.

She is dancing.She isn't dancing.

We are clapping. We aren't clapping.

Запитання 5

Choose the right sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense. Обери правильно побудовані речення

I ________________________ (watch) my favourite cartoon at the moment.

My mother _______________________ (make) dinner every evening.

I _________________________ (go) to the zoo now.

варіанти відповідей

I AM WATCHING my favourite cartoon at the moment.

My mother MAKES dinner every evening.

I _GO to the zoo now.

I AM WATCHING my favourite cartoon at the moment.

My mother IS MAKING dinner every evening.

I GOES to the zoo now.

I AM WATCHING my favourite cartoon at the moment.

My mother MAKES dinner every evening.

I AM GOING to the zoo now.

Запитання 6

Choose the right sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense. Обери правильно побудовані речення

варіанти відповідей

SheREAD a lot every day.

They NOT LISTENING to the teacher now.

We _ ARE WRITING a test right now.

She READS a lot every day.

ARE They NOT LISTENING to the teacher now.

We _ ARE WRITING a test right now.

SheREAD a lot every day.

They DO NOT LISTENING to the teacher now.

We _ ARE WRITING a test right now.

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