Карпюк О. 7 клас Контроль читання 2 семестр

Додано: 7 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts and match them with the questions.

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

Which of the movies…

варіанти відповідей

a)     has greatly influenced western culture?

b)    is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

c)     got some awords?

d)    is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

e)    unites different stories?

Запитання 2

      Read the texts and match them with the questions.

            «The Matrix»

«The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

Which of the movies…

варіанти відповідей

a)     has greatly influenced western culture?

b)    is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

c)     got four Oscars?

d)    is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

e)    unites different stories?

Запитання 3

Read the texts and match them with the questions

            «Pulp Fiction»

Known for its exciting dialogues, combination of different story lines, and numerous pop culture references, «Pulp Fiction» was nominated for sev- en Oscars and won the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival in France.

Which of the movies…

варіанти відповідей

a)     has greatly influenced western culture?

b)    is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

c)     got four Oscars?

d)    is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

e)    unites different stories?

Запитання 4

   Read the texts and match them with the questions.

            «The Godfather»

«The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.

Which of the movies…

варіанти відповідей

a)     has greatly influenced western culture?

b)    is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

c)     got four Oscars?

d)    is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

e)    unites different stories?

Запитання 5

Read the text and answer the questions.

Why did the man go to the doctor?

A man goes to his doctor and says, «I think my wife’s hearing isn’t good. What should I do?» The doctor replies, «Try this test to find out for sure. Stand ten steps behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t answer, she really has a problem with hearing.» The man goes home and sees his wife cooking. He stands ten steps behind her and says, «What’s for dinner, honey?» He gets no answer, so he moves closer and asks again and again. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, «What’s for dinner?» She replies, «For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!»

варіанти відповідей

Because he thought his wife’s hearing wasn’t good

Because he thought his doctor’s hearing wasn’t good

Because he thought his wife’s eyes weren’t good

Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the questions.

What did the doctor tell the man to do?

A man goes to his doctor and says, «I think my wife’s hearing isn’t good. What should I do?» The doctor replies, «Try this test to find out for sure. Stand ten steps behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t answer, she really has a problem with hearing.» The man goes home and sees his wife cooking. He stands ten steps behind her and says, «What’s for dinner, honey?» He gets no answer, so he moves closer and asks again and again. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, «What’s for dinner?» She replies, «For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!»

варіанти відповідей

He told him to stand ten metres behind her and sing a song

He told him to stand ten steps behind her and ask a question

He told him to stand directly behind her and ask her, «What’s for dinner?»

Запитання 7

Read the text and answer the questions.

 Why did the man have to repeat his question several times?

A man goes to his doctor and says, «I think my wife’s hearing isn’t good. What should I do?» The doctor replies, «Try this test to find out for sure. Stand ten steps behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t answer, she really has a problem with hearing.» The man goes home and sees his wife cooking. He stands ten steps behind her and says, «What’s for dinner, honey?» He gets no answer, so he moves closer and asks again and again. Finally he stands di- rectly behind her and says, «What’s for dinner?» She replies, «For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!»

варіанти відповідей

Because he didn`t see the answer

Because he didn`t hear the answer

Because he didn`t see the wife

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