Комплексна підсумкова робота № 1 Unit 0-2

Додано: 2 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
22 запитання
Запитання 1

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

have dinner

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 2

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

go home

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 3

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

go to bed

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 4

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

get dressed

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 5

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

leave the house

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 6

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

start school

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 7

Прочитайте текст та позначте час з дією

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School sarts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

have lunch

варіанти відповідей

7.00 am

8.00 am

8.30 am

1.00 pm

3.00 pm

7.30 pm

9.30 pm

Запитання 8

Прочитайте текст та доповни речення

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

Leo's breakfast is ......

варіанти відповідей

cereal of fruit

cereal or toast

cereal or milk

cereal or avocado

Запитання 9

Прочитайте текст та доповни речення

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

Leo's lunch is usually.....

варіанти відповідей

fruit or vegetables

sandwiches or soup

pasta or a salad

sandwiches or a salad

Запитання 10

Прочитайте текст та обери Yes чи No

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

Leo prepares his school bag in the evening.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Прочитайте текст та обери Yes чи No

My name is Leo. I get up at seven o'clock and get dressed. My breakfast is cereal or toast. Then I prepare my school bag and go to school at 8 o'clock. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go on a bus. School starts at half past eight and finishes at 3 o'clock. Lunch is at 1 o'clock. I usually have sandwiches or a salad. After school I go home. Dinner is at half past seven. After dinner I do my homework and go on the internet. I go to bed at half past nine.

Leo usually goes to school by car.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Choose the correct option:

It ____________warm today.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 13

Choose the correct option:

Our flowers ______ very nice.


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 14

Choose the correct option:

I ___two sisters but I haven't got any brothers.


варіанти відповідей

have got

's got

has got

Запитання 15

Choose the correct option:

______make a postcard? Tomorrow is Mike's birthday.

варіанти відповідей

 Can you  

You can

You can't

Запитання 16

What are the summer months?

варіанти відповідей








Запитання 17


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 18

Слова-підказки Present Simple

варіанти відповідей

every day





Запитання 19

Слова-підказки Present Continuous

варіанти відповідей

  at the moment





Запитання 20

We are tiding our room _______.

варіанти відповідей


every day

Запитання 21

Jim _____a book now.


варіанти відповідей


is reading


Запитання 22

I often ___ football.



варіанти відповідей



am playing

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