Reading Unit 2

Додано: 3 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

A family is still very important in our world today.

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Запитання 2

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

A family is just a group of people who live together.

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Запитання 3

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

Families never live apart.

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Запитання 4

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

The number of kids in every family is different.

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Запитання 5

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

A family is a place of business.

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Запитання 6

My mum says life is so different these days — new technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions. However, family still plays an important role in our modern world. Just like in the past, family means a married

couple, with or without children. There are also relatives — people that are related to us, like grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and so on.

However, a family is more than just a group of people connected by roots. This is a place where we get help and support in life. Plus, different nationalities have different family standards. For example, in many countries both parents work while in others a man is the only person with a job. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together. Some children grow up in a full family, whereas others only have a mum or a dad.

The number of kids in a family is not the same, too, and there are cultures where a pet can be a family member. Thanks to today’s globalisation, we can all share and discover different views and habits in every country. However, there are some things that all nations have in common — a family is a place of love and support.

Say if the statement is true or false

All nationalities have the same family norms and traditions.

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