Контроль аудіювання

Додано: 23 травня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 330 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Which of the following is true about Janice Barber?

варіанти відповідей

She writes for a magazine.

She is often interviewed

She is a well-known celebrity.

She works on the Breakfast Show

Запитання 2

What does Janice say about trying to arrange an interview with a famous person?

варіанти відповідей

The best thing to do is to try to contact them directly.

It involves getting in touch with someone other than the star.

It was never a good idea to simply phone them up.

It used to be much harder to contact big stars than it is now.

Запитання 3

What does Janice describe as an advantage of working for her magazine?

варіанти відповідей

She gets help in doing her job from other people she works with.

Publicists often contact her magazine to get interviews for their clients.

It makes it easier for her to do her own research into who she should call.

She’s more likely to know when someone is out of town or unavailable.

She get help in doing her job from other people she works with.

Запитання 4

Which of the following issues that inexperienced reporters might have when trying to get an interview does Janice not mention?

варіанти відповідей

They might find it difficult to work out who to phone up.

They might not work for the right local paper or radio station.

They might contact celebrities when they are on holiday.

They might be ignored by some PAs.

Запитання 5

 What advice does Janice give inexperienced reporters?

варіанти відповідей

Be ready to say exactly why you want to do an interview

Be ready to say exactly why you do not want to do an interview

Be prepared to ask a lot of demanding questions.

Be insistent about the sort of questions you want to ask. 

Be insistent about the sort of questions you do not want to ask. 

Запитання 6

 Which of the following information about Janice Barber or her column does the presenter provide at the start of the interview?

варіанти відповідей

She started writing her current column almost ten years ago

She did not starte writing her current column almost ten years ago

Her column is published regularly

Her column is not published regularly

Запитання 7

 What does Janice say about arranging interviews with celebrities fifty years ago?

варіанти відповідей

Even the biggest of stars could not be contacted directly.

Even the biggest of stars could be contacted directly.

It used to be easier to make direct contact in most cases. 

Only the biggest stars employed a publicist.

Запитання 8

Which of the following advantages of working for a major magazine does Janice not mention?

варіанти відповідей

Publicists are much more likely to answer her calls when she rings

It enables her to get help from people working at the magazine.

Well-known celebrities feel more comfortable being interviewed by her.

The publicists recognise the magazine’s name.

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