Контроль читання 9 кл.

Виконання завдань максимум 9 балів

Додано: 12 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 28 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Read about three different ways you can make your dream come true!

Who Knows?

Have you ever wanted to be on a TV game show? If you think you’ve got good general knowledge and you’re confident enough to appear on TV in front of millions of people, just fill in our application form. You could be a winner on Channel 7’s new game show Who Knows? There will be twelve weekly shows and the winner of each show will go on to play a final competition to win two million pounds!

Watching You!

The producers of the reality show Watching Youl are looking for ten new people to live in the famous house for ten weeks. Are you funny and talkative? Are you interes­ted in other people? Would you like to become a big star? Send in your application be­fore 7 November, and you could be invited to the auditions in London and Manchester!

Children’s Hour

As viewers know, Dani Byers has left Channel 7’s Children’s Hour to make a film in Hollywood. So, we need someone to take her place as a presenter on the show. We’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic, intelligent and who loves children. Is that you? Apply now and come for a voice test!

Питання : Which show wants someone who likes talking?

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Who Knows?

Children’s Hour

 Watching You!

Запитання 2

Read about three different ways you can make your dream come true!

Who Knows?

Have you ever wanted to be on a TV game show? If you think you’ve got good general knowledge and you’re confident enough to appear on TV in front of millions of people, just fill in our application form. You could be a winner on Channel 7’s new game show Who Knows? There will be twelve weekly shows and the winner of each show will go on to play a final competition to win two million pounds!

Watching You!

The producers of the reality show Watching Youl are looking for ten new people to live in the famous house for ten weeks. Are you funny and talkative? Are you interes­ted in other people? Would you like to become a big star? Send in your application be­fore 7 November, and you could be invited to the auditions in London and Manchester!

Children’s Hour

As viewers know, Dani Byers has left Channel 7’s Children’s Hour to make a film in Hollywood. So, we need someone to take her place as a presenter on the show. We’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic, intelligent and who loves children. Is that you? Apply now and come for a voice test!

Питання : Which show  offers a lot of money?   

варіанти відповідей

Who Knows?

Children’s Hour

Watching You!

Запитання 3

Read about three different ways you can make your dream come true!

Who Knows?

Have you ever wanted to be on a TV game show? If you think you’ve got good general knowledge and you’re confident enough to appear on TV in front of millions of people, just fill in our application form. You could be a winner on Channel 7’s new game show Who Knows? There will be twelve weekly shows and the winner of each show will go on to play a final competition to win two million pounds!

Watching You!

The producers of the reality show Watching Youl are looking for ten new people to live in the famous house for ten weeks. Are you funny and talkative? Are you interes­ted in other people? Would you like to become a big star? Send in your application be­fore 7 November, and you could be invited to the auditions in London and Manchester!

Children’s Hour

As viewers know, Dani Byers has left Channel 7’s Children’s Hour to make a film in Hollywood. So, we need someone to take her place as a presenter on the show. We’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic, intelligent and who loves children. Is that you? Apply now and come for a voice test!

Питання : Which show only needs one person?     

варіанти відповідей

Who Knows?

Watching You!

Children’s Hour

Запитання 4

Read about three different ways you can make your dream come true!

Who Knows?

Have you ever wanted to be on a TV game show? If you think you’ve got good general knowledge and you’re confident enough to appear on TV in front of millions of people, just fill in our application form. You could be a winner on Channel 7’s new game show Who Knows? There will be twelve weekly shows and the winner of each show will go on to play a final competition to win two million pounds!

Watching You!

The producers of the reality show Watching Youl are looking for ten new people to live in the famous house for ten weeks. Are you funny and talkative? Are you interes­ted in other people? Would you like to become a big star? Send in your application be­fore 7 November, and you could be invited to the auditions in London and Manchester!

Children’s Hour

As viewers know, Dani Byers has left Channel 7’s Children’s Hour to make a film in Hollywood. So, we need someone to take her place as a presenter on the show. We’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic, intelligent and who loves children. Is that you? Apply now and come for a voice test!

Питання Which show can make people very famous?    

варіанти відповідей

Who knows?

Children's Hour

Watching you!

Запитання 5

Обери заголовок до уривку

The punk subculture appeared in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa in the mid-to-late-1970s, and has since undergone several developments.

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Lifestyle and Characteristics

History of Punk Culture



Запитання 6

Обери заголовок до уривку

The punk subculture is centred around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music. Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed in the United States. Most punk rock uses guitars and noisy drumming that are derived from 1960s garage rock.

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Lifestyle and Characteristics

History of Punk Culture



Запитання 7

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Punks try to shock people with the highly theatrical use of clothing: ripped clothing is held together by safety pins or wrapped with tape; ordinary clothing is decorated with marker or with paint; a black basket liner becomes a dress, shirt or skirt; safety pins and razor blades are used as jewellery.

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Запитання 8

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Some punks make their hair stand in spikes, cut it into Mohawks (a hairstyle which consists of shaving both sides of the head, leaving a strip of noticeably longer hair) or other dramatic shapes, often colouring it with vibrant, unnatural colours.

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History of Punk Culture

Запитання 9

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The punk subculture has developed a variety of dancing styles, which appear chaotic and violent.

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Lifestyle and Characteristics

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