Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
1. Ben Malone ia America's number one tennis player.
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
2. Kelly Carter works for the Sports Channel
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
3. Mick Dawson found the note from the kidnappers.
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
4. Jack and Mary Malone are staying at the Ritz Hotel
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
5. The Sports Channel has got a camera in the changing rooms
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
6. The number plate of the kidnappers' van is V546JFP
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
7. The kidnappers kept Ben at 28 Hazel Gardens
Student's book p123
Are the statements true or false?
8. Kelly interviews Ben after the final
Student's book p123
Who says these words
1. "I met them when I was in the British team - before I became a TV reporter"
Student's book p123
Who says these words
2. " I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but he can't speak to you today"
Student's book p123
Who says these words
3. "He was so happy this morning"
Student's book p123
Who says these words
4. " Kelly, I think we've just discovered something very important"
Student's book p123
Who says these words
5. "We'll wait here"
Student's book p123
Who says these words
6. "Thank you, Kelly. Thank you very, VERY much!"
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
Student's book p123
Put the events of the story in the correct order
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