контроль читання 4 клас

Додано: 2 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 186 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Прочитати текст.

One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a little man selling balloons. “Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. “Here is our money”. “What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.

Вибери речення, які відповідають змісту текста.

варіанти відповідей

One day Mary and Bob went shopping.

They saw a little man selling balloons.

They gave the man a big apple.

Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon.

Запитання 2

.Mary and Bob went shopping because:

варіанти відповідей

they wanted some oranges;

they wanted ice cream; 

they liked shopping.

Запитання 3

The children wanted:

варіанти відповідей

a red ball; 

a green balloon; 

a bright green balloon.

Запитання 4

У якому порядку були розташовані речення в тексті? Вибери правильну відповідь.

a)Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon.

b)One day Mary and Bob went shopping.

c)The little man began to blow the balloon.

d)He blew up a big green cat.

e)They saw a little man selling balloons.

варіанти відповідей

d - c- a -e - b

e - d - b - c- e.

b - e - a - c - d.

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