Контроль читання.

Read the text given below.

Match the headings to the paragraphs.

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 88 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Teenagers today are undergoing lots of physical and emotional changes. They are subjected to physical growth and hormonal changes. Nevertheless, being a teenager is just a normal and unavoidable part of life.

варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control

Positive sides of teenage life

Teenage worries and fears

Being a teenager is just a part of life

Influence of TV and the Internet

Teenagers and love

Time to be happy

Запитання 2

Though the teenage life is full of happiness and sadness, enjoyment and frustrations, it can be interesting! Making friends is part and parcel of a teenager’s life. The teenager should enjoy life by making friends with peers and participate in healthy activities such as camping, jogging, playing football, swimming and so on. Socializing with friends, a teenager learns to make decisions, to joke, laugh and play to release stress and tension. By making friends, the teenager learns to sweeten his or her joys or to ease the bitterness of life troubles.

варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control

Positive sides of teenage life

Teenage worries and fears

Being a teenager is just a part of life

Influence of TV and the Internet

Teenagers and love

Time to be happy

Запитання 3

Many teenagers are very conscious of their appearance. It is at this part of their life that beauty strikes as the main self-image. They love to follow up with the latest trends for clothes, hairstyle and try to look good. Some girls and boys go on a crash diet to slim down in order to look attractive. Others may suffer from acne and pimples that may scar their external beauty.

варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control

Positive sides of teenage life

Teenage worries and fears

Being a teenager is just a part of life

Influence of TV and the Internet

Teenagers and love

Time to be happy

Запитання 4

Another stage is the teenagers’ attitude to love. There are chemical changes in the body and so the teenagers tend to fall in love and have relationship. They experience love and rejection. These sometimes affect their studies.


варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control  

Positive sides of teenage life 

Teenage worries and fears

 Being a teenager is just a part of life

 Influence of TV and the Internet 

Teenagers and love

 Time to be happy

Запитання 5

Parents tend to control their freedom and often say no to what the teenagers do. Hence, we have cases of disagreements, disputes or quarrels. Both parents and their teenage children should try to understand and support each other.

варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control

 Positive sides of teenage life

 Teenage worries and fears

 Being a teenager is just a part of life

 Influence of TV and the Internet

 Teenagers and love

Time to be happy

Запитання 6

The mass media and the Internet also influence the lives of many teenagers. Violent action movies and computer games surfed from the Internet can bring a disastrous effect on a teenager’s life. There will be more harm than good if nothing is done.

варіанти відповідей

Parents’ control

 Positive sides of teenage life

 Teenage worries and fears

 Being a teenager is just a part of life

 Influence of TV and the Internet

Teenagers and love

  Time to be happy

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