Контроль читання

Додано: 20 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 135 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false(так чи ні)

Natalka is writing from Chernihiv

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false

The hotel where Natalka lives is not small

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false

Natalka was in the museum yesterday

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false

Natalka is going to visit the picture gallery on Thursday

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false

Natalka has bought some souvenirs

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Dear granny ,

Greetings from Chernihiv! We are on a school trip here. We live in a small and comfortable hotel near the city centre.The weather is warm but cloudy. We have already been to the museum. We went there yesterday. But we haven’t been to the picture gallery yet.We are going to visit it on Tuesday. I have taken some beautiful photos. But I haven’t bought any souvenirs.We are going to come home on Friday.All the best,Natalka

true or false

The weather was warm and cloudy

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Запитання 7

Оберіть пропущене слово

We ski and ......in winter

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Запитання 8

People celebrate ..........in spring

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New Year


Запитання 9

Nelly went to the forest and saw a.........there

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