Контроль читання 5 клас

Додано: 16 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Nick lives in Ukraine.

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Запитання 2

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Nick likes play football. 

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Запитання 3

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Nick likes watching videos. 

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Запитання 4

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Susie is Nick’s sister.

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Запитання 5

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Susie is 10 years old. 

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Запитання 6

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Вкажіть правда(True) чи неправда(False):

Susie likes swimming.

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Запитання 7

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильний варіант відповіді:

Where does Nick live?

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Запитання 8

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

How old is Nick?

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Запитання 9

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

What is Nick’s favorite toy?

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Запитання 10

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

How old is Susie?

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Запитання 11

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

What toys does Susie have?

варіанти відповідей

dolls and rabbits



Запитання 12

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

Where does he live?

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Запитання 13

Nick and Susie

Hello. My name is Nick. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kyiv. I am nine. I like dancing and riding a horse. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are kites. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Susie. She is seven. Susie likes swimming and watching videos, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.

Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання:

What is Nick’s favorite toy?

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