Контроль читання

Додано: 20 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 235 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False.

Children lived near the mountain.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False

Claudius hid in the house.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False

The woman found Claudius.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False

Children stayed inside the shop

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False

The baker helped to find Claudius

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Choose True or False

The volcano is in Pompeii.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Why did Livia come to the shop?

варіанти відповідей

She wanted to buy some bread.

She had some money for sweets.

Claudius neededd something to eat.

Запитання 8

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

What did people do?

варіанти відповідей

They shouted and ran.

They hid under the market stall.

There weren`t any people there.

Запитання 9

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Did Livia bring bread home?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, she did

No, she did not

Запитання 10

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

Who was their father?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

It was a hot morning in Pompeii. Livia went to the baker's shop with Claudius, her younger brother. Livia had some money and bought three loaves of bread.

Livia looked at the high mountain above the town. Her father was a farmer. He grew on the mountain. That is Mount Vesuvius. It's a volcano but it's quiet now,' her father once told her.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. Livia dropped the bread and screamed. Red fire shot into the sky. Then a large black cloud of smoke came out of the mountain and covered the sun. It became dark. Next, big hot rocks fell from the sky. People shouted and children cried. 

Hot grey ash started to cover the buildings and people.Claudius hid under a market stall.

‘Where did my brother go?’ shouted Livia. 

The baker pointed at Claudius. He was terrified. He didn't speak. 

‘Quick! Run!’ shouted the baker. 'The volcano is erupting!’ Livia held Claudius's hand and followed the baker. They ran and ran.

How did Claudius feel?

варіанти відповідей

He was scared.

He was smart.

He was clumsy.

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