Контроль читання 9Д ІІ семестр

Додано: 16 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 35 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Jack Williams had been working as a school teacher in London for 3 years before he understood that teaching was not his vocation of a lifetime. Although he had a university diploma and great experience, Jack felt a need to do something else.

Once he visited his cousin Amanda who lived in a small village in the East of Wales, and saw her garden. It was amazing! Jack was helping Amanda in the garden with pleasure!

After coming home Jack used to spend hours picking up a lot about gardening through the Internet. He was communicating with professionals in this field. Almost by chance Jack was offered a job of gardener at his home city garden centre. So, he accepted the offer. During his work he learnt all the names of plants in the centre. He was totally absorbed with his work there.

At first his parents were astonished with their son’s decision. But seeing his happiness and inspiration, they admitted that they were very glad.


Jack likes gardening.

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Запитання 2

Jack Williams had been working as a school teacher in London for 3 years before he understood that teaching was not his vocation of a lifetime. Although he had a university diploma and great experience, Jack felt a need to do something else.

Once he visited his cousin Amanda who lived in a small village in the East of Wales, and saw her garden. It was amazing! Jack was helping Amanda in the garden with pleasure!

After coming home Jack used to spend hours picking up a lot about gardening through the Internet. He was communicating with professionals in this field. Almost by chance Jack was offered a job of gardener at his home city garden centre. So, he accepted the offer. During his work he learnt all the names of plants in the centre. He was totally absorbed with his work there.

At first his parents were astonished with their son’s decision. But seeing his happiness and inspiration, they admitted that they were very glad.


Amanda is Jack’s girlfriend.

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Запитання 3

Jack Williams had been working as a school teacher in London for 3 years before he understood that teaching was not his vocation of a lifetime. Although he had a university diploma and great experience, Jack felt a need to do something else.

Once he visited his cousin Amanda who lived in a small village in the East of Wales, and saw her garden. It was amazing! Jack was helping Amanda in the garden with pleasure!

After coming home Jack used to spend hours picking up a lot about gardening through the Internet. He was communicating with professionals in this field. Almost by chance Jack was offered a job of gardener at his home city garden centre. So, he accepted the offer. During his work he learnt all the names of plants in the centre. He was totally absorbed with his work there.

At first his parents were astonished with their son’s decision. But seeing his happiness and inspiration, they admitted that they were very glad.


Jack’s parents were happy with their son.

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Запитання 4

Jack Williams had been working as a school teacher in London for 3 years before he understood that teaching was not his vocation of a lifetime. Although he had a university diploma and great experience, Jack felt a need to do something else.

Once he visited his cousin Amanda who lived in a small village in the East of Wales, and saw her garden. It was amazing! Jack was helping Amanda in the garden with pleasure!

After coming home Jack used to spend hours picking up a lot about gardening through the Internet. He was communicating with professionals in this field. Almost by chance Jack was offered a job of gardener at his home city garden centre. So, he accepted the offer. During his work he learnt all the names of plants in the centre. He was totally absorbed with his work there.

At first his parents were astonished with their son’s decision. But seeing his happiness and inspiration, they admitted that they were very glad.


Jack has been a teacher.

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Запитання 5

Jack Williams had been working as a school teacher in London for 3 years before he understood that teaching was not his vocation of a lifetime. Although he had a university diploma and great experience, Jack felt a need to do something else.

Once he visited his cousin Amanda who lived in a small village in the East of Wales, and saw her garden. It was amazing! Jack was helping Amanda in the garden with pleasure!

After coming home Jack used to spend hours picking up a lot about gardening through the Internet. He was communicating with professionals in this field. Almost by chance Jack was offered a job of gardener at his home city garden centre. So, he accepted the offer. During his work he learnt all the names of plants in the centre. He was totally absorbed with his work there.

At first his parents were astonished with their son’s decision. But seeing his happiness and inspiration, they admitted that they were very glad.


Jack was seeking for a job as gardener for several months.

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Запитання 6

Leon Jones wanted to become the happiest person in the world. He found an article about the happiest American man. It was said that the happiest person in the USA at that time was an experienced married man between the ages of 35 and 45. He lived not far from New York and owned a comfortable detached house. The man had two children. Every morning he used to take them to school by his own car.

He had a steady job with a high salary in an office in New York. After a hard day at work he rested in his comfortable armchair with a smart phone in his hands. Sometimes he used to go out with his wife or with the whole family.

Leon was just 35 years old. He also was married and had twins. He had a steady job, but the salary wasn’t high enough. Thus, he decided to change it. His wife supported him in his striving for a better life. Both of them began to work for a famous company earning a lot of money. Leon’s family lived in a semi-detached house. So, Leon built a cottage in an aspiration to look like the ideal man from the article. He bought the most modern furniture and gadgets. The couple worked

hard, but they didn’t feel happy.

One day Leon came home and learnt that his children had flu. During a week parents were waiting with eager for their twins’ recovery. At last, the doctor told that their children had got well. “I’m the happiest person in the world!” – Leon exclaimed. He looked into the wardrobe mirror in the children’s room and saw his happy face.

What kind of dwelling did the happiest man in the United States have?

варіанти відповідей

A semi-detached house.

His own separate private house.

A flat.

Запитання 7

Leon Jones wanted to become the happiest person in the world. He found an article about the happiest American man. It was said that the happiest person in the USA at that time was an experienced married man between the ages of 35 and 45. He lived not far from New York and owned a comfortable detached house. The man had two children. Every morning he used to take them to school by his own car.

He had a steady job with a high salary in an office in New York. After a hard day at work he rested in his comfortable armchair with a smart phone in his hands. Sometimes he used to go out with his wife or with the whole family.

Leon was just 35 years old. He also was married and had twins. He had a steady job, but the salary wasn’t high enough. Thus, he decided to change it. His wife supported him in his striving for a better life. Both of them began to work for a famous company earning a lot of money. Leon’s family lived in a semi-detached house. So, Leon built a cottage in an aspiration to look like the ideal man from the article. He bought the most modern furniture and gadgets. The couple worked

hard, but they didn’t feel happy.

One day Leon came home and learnt that his children had flu. During a week parents were waiting with eager for their twins’ recovery. At last, the doctor told that their children had got well. “I’m the happiest person in the world!” – Leon exclaimed. He looked into the wardrobe mirror in the children’s room and saw his happy face.

Who did Leon want to be like?

варіанти відповідей

A superhero.

An American character.

A famous Englishmen.

Запитання 8

Leon Jones wanted to become the happiest person in the world. He found an article about the happiest American man. It was said that the happiest person in the USA at that time was an experienced married man between the ages of 35 and 45. He lived not far from New York and owned a comfortable detached house. The man had two children. Every morning he used to take them to school by his own car.

He had a steady job with a high salary in an office in New York. After a hard day at work he rested in his comfortable armchair with a smart phone in his hands. Sometimes he used to go out with his wife or with the whole family.

Leon was just 35 years old. He also was married and had twins. He had a steady job, but the salary wasn’t high enough. Thus, he decided to change it. His wife supported him in his striving for a better life. Both of them began to work for a famous company earning a lot of money. Leon’s family lived in a semi-detached house. So, Leon built a cottage in an aspiration to look like the ideal man from the article. He bought the most modern furniture and gadgets. The couple worked

hard, but they didn’t feel happy.

One day Leon came home and learnt that his children had flu. During a week parents were waiting with eager for their twins’ recovery. At last, the doctor told that their children had got well. “I’m the happiest person in the world!” – Leon exclaimed. He looked into the wardrobe mirror in the children’s room and saw his happy face.

What were Leon’s achievements?

варіанти відповідей

A scientific award.

An article.

Earning more money.

Запитання 9

Leon Jones wanted to become the happiest person in the world. He found an article about the happiest American man. It was said that the happiest person in the USA at that time was an experienced married man between the ages of 35 and 45. He lived not far from New York and owned a comfortable detached house. The man had two children. Every morning he used to take them to school by his own car.

He had a steady job with a high salary in an office in New York. After a hard day at work he rested in his comfortable armchair with a smart phone in his hands. Sometimes he used to go out with his wife or with the whole family.

Leon was just 35 years old. He also was married and had twins. He had a steady job, but the salary wasn’t high enough. Thus, he decided to change it. His wife supported him in his striving for a better life. Both of them began to work for a famous company earning a lot of money. Leon’s family lived in a semi-detached house. So, Leon built a cottage in an aspiration to look like the ideal man from the article. He bought the most modern furniture and gadgets. The couple worked

hard, but they didn’t feel happy.

One day Leon came home and learnt that his children had flu. During a week parents were waiting with eager for their twins’ recovery. At last, the doctor told that their children had got well. “I’m the happiest person in the world!” – Leon exclaimed. He looked into the wardrobe mirror in the children’s room and saw his happy face.

Why did Leon feel happy?

варіанти відповідей

Because he became richer.

Because of his twins’ health.

Because his wife bought new furniture

and gadgets.

Запитання 10

The Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed Ukraine's independence on________

варіанти відповідей

August 24, 1991

January 19, 1992

September 25,1989

June 16, 1990

Запитання 11

The state Ukraine includes ________ administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

_________ is the sole legislative and supreme authority.

варіанти відповідей

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers

The President

The Government

Запитання 13

The National Emblem of Ukraine is_______

варіанти відповідей

the Golden Trident

The Black Horse

the Red Lion

the Red Rose

Запитання 14

The National Anthem has been performed sinse ___________

варіанти відповідей

January 1992

June 1990

December 1991

August 1990

Запитання 15

The National flag of Ukraine is

варіанти відповідей

blue and yellow

blue and white

red and white

yellow and blue

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