Контроль Читання Family

Додано: 10 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 128 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke is French.

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Запитання 2

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke is 11 years old.

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Запитання 3

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke has 2 sisters.

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Запитання 4

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke has one best friend.

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Запитання 5

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke's mum is Mark.

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Запитання 6

Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror!

My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together.

My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere.

My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble.

I really like my family and friends very much!

Luke's sister is ....

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