Контроль читання з англійської мови у 7 класі

Додано: 18 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 248 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

1. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day at the beginning of


варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

2. People had happy times when they came from England to America.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

3. The settlers helped the Indians to live out the winter.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

4. The settlers had dinner together with the Indians.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

5. Nowadays all the families get together on Thanksgiving Day.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

6. People like to go outdoors or have parades on this day.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

7. Do people remember those difficult times?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, they do.

No, they dont.

Запитання 8


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

8. When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

варіанти відповідей

On the fourth Tuesday of November.

On the first Thursday of November.

On the fourth Thursday of November.

Запитання 9


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

8. People wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with__________

варіанти відповідей

their relatives and friends

their families and their


their families and relatives

Запитання 10


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

10. Who prepared dinner for Indians?

варіанти відповідей

Families from England

Settlers from England

Friends from England

Запитання 11


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

11. The Indians helped them ________ and to have a

good harvest.

варіанти відповідей

not to live out the difficult winter

to live the difficult winter

to live out the difficult winter

to live out the easy winter

Запитання 12


-. Today people remember those difficult times, .All the families get

together on this holiday. They celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional

dinner of turkey, fruit and vegetables.

-. The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in

November each year. Many years ago people from England came to live in

America. They had hard times during the first years of their living in a new


-. In the evenings cities have parades with fireworks on this day. People

wear costumes and go to the streets to have fun with their families and their


-. The Indians helped them to live out the difficult winter and to have a

good harvest. The settlers from England prepared a dinner and invited the

Indians to share it.

12. Do people in Ukraine celebrate Thanksgiving?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, they do.

No, they don"t.

Doesn"t say.

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