Контроль чтения( ІІ семестр)

Додано: 3 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 268 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentence

Doctor will give you some ____________.

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Запитання 2

Complete the sentence

A ____________ sells medicines.

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Запитання 3

Complete the sentence


You have to pay when you visit a ___________ doctor.

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Запитання 4

Complete the sentence

To be healthy you need living a healthy ______________.

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentence

 Tom has got a bad tooth. Let’s go to the ___________ office.

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Запитання 6

Complete the sentence

___________ operates on people. 

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Запитання 7

Read the text and choose if the following statement true or false.

The first official Olympic mascot was created for the Summer Games in Munich in 1972. Olympic mascots help Olympic spirit spread everywhere, introduce the history and culture of the host city and give the event a festive atmosphere.

More than 100 designers, artists and agencies took part in a competition in 2008, where Wenlock and Mandeville, the mascots for the London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, were chosen. Wenlock takes his name from the town of Much Wenlock in Shropshirein England, which still hosts the traditional Much Wenlock Games. Mandeville, the Paralympic mascot, was named after the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire, the birthplace of the Stoke Mandeville Games, the forerunner of today’s Paralympic Games.

Wenlock and Mandeville’s metallic look is explained by the fact that they were made from the last drops of steel used to build the Olympic Stadium in London to reflect the appearances and personalities of people they meet. The shape of Wen- lock’s forehead is identical to that of the Olympic Stadium roof. His eye is the lens of a camera, filming everything he sees. Mandeville’s eye is a camera as well and the yellow light on the mascot’s forehead is reminiscent of a London Taxi.

There were no Olympic mascots before 1972.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and choose if the following statement true or false.

The first official Olympic mascot was created for the Summer Games in Munich in 1972. Olympic mascots help Olympic spirit spread everywhere, introduce the history and culture of the host city and give the event a festive atmosphere.

More than 100 designers, artists and agencies took part in a competition in 2008, where Wenlock and Mandeville, the mascots for the London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, were chosen. Wenlock takes his name from the town of Much Wenlock in Shropshirein England, which still hosts the traditional Much Wenlock Games. Mandeville, the Paralympic mascot, was named after the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire, the birthplace of the Stoke Mandeville Games, the forerunner of today’s Paralympic Games.

Wenlock and Mandeville’s metallic look is explained by the fact that they were made from the last drops of steel used to build the Olympic Stadium in London to reflect the appearances and personalities of people they meet. The shape of Wen- lock’s forehead is identical to that of the Olympic Stadium roof. His eye is the lens of a camera, filming everything he sees. Mandeville’s eye is a camera as well and the yellow light on the mascot’s forehead is reminiscent of a London Taxi.

In 2012 the British designers created two mascots for Winter Olympic Games.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and choose if the following statement true or false.

The first official Olympic mascot was created for the Summer Games in Munich in 1972. Olympic mascots help Olympic spirit spread everywhere, introduce the history and culture of the host city and give the event a festive atmosphere.

More than 100 designers, artists and agencies took part in a competition in 2008, where Wenlock and Mandeville, the mascots for the London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, were chosen. Wenlock takes his name from the town of Much Wenlock in Shropshirein England, which still hosts the traditional Much Wenlock Games. Mandeville, the Paralympic mascot, was named after the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire, the birthplace of the Stoke Mandeville Games, the forerunner of today’s Paralympic Games.

Wenlock and Mandeville’s metallic look is explained by the fact that they were made from the last drops of steel used to build the Olympic Stadium in London to reflect the appearances and personalities of people they meet. The shape of Wen- lock’s forehead is identical to that of the Olympic Stadium roof. His eye is the lens of a camera, filming everything he sees. Mandeville’s eye is a camera as well and the yellow light on the mascot’s forehead is reminiscent of a London Taxi.

The mascots (Wenlock and Mandeville) have got one eye each.

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Запитання 10

Read the dialogue and choose the true sentence.

Peter. Hey, Trish, how about going to the cinema tonight?

Trіsh. Sounds great! What would you like to see?

Peter. I don’t know... how about that new horror movie at the Panorama Cinema?

Trish. Oh, I heard about that. It sounds a little scary to me. I’m keen on romantic movies. Or maybe a romantic comedy.

Peter. No way! I hate such boring things!

Trish. Really? Well then, what kinds of movies do you like?

Peter. I guess I’m crazy about action and adventure type of movies.

Trish. Well I guess they are okay, if they aren’t too bloody. I also heard about this great new musical that just came out. What do you think about that?

Peter. Musical? I don’t know. That doesn’t sound too exciting. Is there anything we can agree on?

Trish. It doesn’t seem like it. Oh, I remember another movie that came out last week. It’s a mystery and it had a little romance and some action, too. I heard it’s pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the killer is and it has a surprise ending. What do you think about that one?

Peter. I guess that doesn’t sound too bad. What time does it start?

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Trish really hates action and adventure movies.

Peter likes movies about love.

A horror movie is frightening.

Запитання 11

Read the dialogue and choose the true sentence.

Peter. Hey, Trish, how about going to the cinema tonight?

Trіsh. Sounds great! What would you like to see?

Peter. I don’t know... how about that new horror movie at the Panorama Cinema?

Trish. Oh, I heard about that. It sounds a little scary to me. I’m keen on romantic movies. Or maybe a romantic comedy.

Peter. No way! I hate such boring things!

Trish. Really? Well then, what kinds of movies do you like?

Peter. I guess I’m crazy about action and adventure type of movies.

Trish. Well I guess they are okay, if they aren’t too bloody. I also heard about this great new musical that just came out. What do you think about that?

Peter. Musical? I don’t know. That doesn’t sound too exciting. Is there anything we can agree on?

Trish. It doesn’t seem like it. Oh, I remember another movie that came out last week. It’s a mystery and it had a little romance and some action, too. I heard it’s pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the killer is and it has a surprise ending. What do you think about that one?

Peter. I guess that doesn’t sound too bad. What time does it start?

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Trish likes musicals.

Action and adventure movies are not Peter’s favourite film genres.

A new mystery movie came out yesterday.

Запитання 12

Read the dialogue and choose if the following statement true or false.

Peter. Hey, Trish, how about going to the cinema tonight?

Trіsh. Sounds great! What would you like to see?

Peter. I don’t know... how about that new horror movie at the Panorama Cinema?

Trish. Oh, I heard about that. It sounds a little scary to me. I’m keen on romantic movies. Or maybe a romantic comedy.

Peter. No way! I hate such boring things!

Trish. Really? Well then, what kinds of movies do you like?

Peter. I guess I’m crazy about action and adventure type of movies.

Trish. Well I guess they are okay, if they aren’t too bloody. I also heard about this great new musical that just came out. What do you think about that?

Peter. Musical? I don’t know. That doesn’t sound too exciting. Is there anything we can agree on?

Trish. It doesn’t seem like it. Oh, I remember another movie that came out last week. It’s a mystery and it had a little romance and some action, too. I heard it’s pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the killer is and it has a surprise ending. What do you think about that one?

Peter. I guess that doesn’t sound too bad. What time does it start?

Peter and Trish both like mysteries.

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