Контроль говоріння

Додано: 18 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Контроль говоріння
Тест виконано: 105 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

I. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Hi, Steve! Have you read the announcement on the school bulletin board?

A: I hope I do. Nevertheless, I’ll have to make changes in my daily timetable

A: Yes, I do. What about joining the basketball club? I think we both have the physical conditions it requires.

B: Your idea sounds really great. Do you have enough time to practise three times a week?

B: Do you mean the one which invites the 10–13 year olds to join one of the school sports clubs?

Запитання 2

I. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Hi, Steve! Have you read the announcement on the school bulletin board?

A: I hope I do. Nevertheless, I’ll have to make changes in my daily timetable

A: Yes, I do. What about joining the basketball club? I think we both have the physical conditions it requires.

B: Your idea sounds really great. Do you have enough time to practise three times a week?

B: Do you mean the one which invites the 10–13 year olds to join one of the school sports clubs?

Запитання 3

I. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Hi, Steve! Have you read the announcement on the school bulletin board?

A: I hope I do. Nevertheless, I’ll have to make changes in my daily timetable

A: Yes, I do. What about joining the basketball club? I think we both have the physical conditions it requires.

B: Your idea sounds really great. Do you have enough time to practise three times a week?

B: Do you mean the one which invites the 10–13 year olds to join one of the school sports clubs?

Запитання 4

I. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Hi, Steve! Have you read the announcement on the school bulletin board?

A: I hope I do. Nevertheless, I’ll have to make changes in my daily timetable

A: Yes, I do. What about joining the basketball club? I think we both have the physical conditions it requires.

B: Your idea sounds really great. Do you have enough time to practise three times a week?

B: Do you mean the one which invites the 10–13 year olds to join one of the school sports clubs?

Запитання 5

I. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Hi, Steve! Have you read the announcement on the school bulletin board?

A: I hope I do. Nevertheless, I’ll have to make changes in my daily timetable

A: Yes, I do. What about joining the basketball club? I think we both have the physical conditions it requires.

B: Your idea sounds really great. Do you have enough time to practise three times a week?

B: Do you mean the one which invites the 10–13 year olds to join one of the school sports clubs?

Запитання 6

II. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Did you know that the new tennis club is opening in our school next year?

A: Actually, I have joined the club, too.

A: Are you going to attend it?

B: Yes, Nick has told me about that.

B: Yes, I believe I can become a good part of the school team.

Запитання 7

II. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Did you know that the new tennis club is opening in our school next year?

A: Actually, I have joined the club, too.

A: Are you going to attend it?

B: Yes, Nick has told me about that.

B: Yes, I believe I can become a good part of the school team.

Запитання 8

II. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Did you know that the new tennis club is opening in our school next year?

A: Actually, I have joined the club, too.

A: Are you going to attend it?

B: Yes, Nick has told me about that.

B: Yes, I believe I can become a good part of the school team.

Запитання 9

II. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Did you know that the new tennis club is opening in our school next year?

A: Actually, I have joined the club, too.

A: Are you going to attend it?

B: Yes, Nick has told me about that.

B: Yes, I believe I can become a good part of the school team.

Запитання 10

II. Put the sentences into the correct order. Розставте речення по порядку.


варіанти відповідей

A: Did you know that the new tennis club is opening in our school next year?

A: Actually, I have joined the club, too.

A: Are you going to attend it?

B: Yes, Nick has told me about that.

B: Yes, I believe I can become a good part of the school team.

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