Контрольна робота з письма

Додано: 17 травня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 585 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Kyiv is... city in Ukraine.

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  more large

the largest

Запитання 2

The bar of chocolate is ----- than the one I bought at the supermarket yesterday.

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more tasty


the tastiest

Запитання 3

Elephants are ----- than lions.

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the biggest


Запитання 4

Planes are -----means of transport.

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the fastest

Запитання 5

Tiger is ------ animals in the world.

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more dangerous

the most dangerous

Запитання 6

Last winter we ---- new car.

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will buy

has bought

Запитання 7

My family ___ to Canada next year.

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has moved

will move

Запитання 8

At the moment I ..... (play) football

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 am playing


Запитання 9

Dan usually_____a shower at half past seven.

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are taking


Запитання 10

My sister ----( not to eat) this pizza yet.

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doesn't eat

hasn't eaten

haven't eaten

didn't eat

Запитання 11

Яке правильне питання до цієї відповіді.

Henry went to the France last month.

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When did Henry go to France?

When Henry went to France?

When Henry did go to France?

Запитання 12

Яке правильне питання до цієї відповіді.

They will spend their holidays at the seaside.

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Where they will spend their holidays at the seaside?

Where will they spend their holidays ?

Where they will spend at the seaside?

Запитання 13

__________ do they like? They like chocolate.

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Запитання 14

___________is your swimming lesson? On Tuesday.


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Запитання 15

__________ is he? He is James Bond.

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