Контроль письма

Додано: 12 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 172 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

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3-bedroom maisonette

For rent in the heart of Kensington

Near shops and tube station

Includes sofa and some electrical appliances

For more info call 0117 4960069

Appointments at weekends only

Питання - The maisonette...

варіанти відповідей

can be rented only for Saturdays and Sundays

is not conveniently located

is not fully furnished

Запитання 2

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We regret to inform you that the concert has been postponed until a later date, which will be announced tomorrow.

Питання - The concert...

варіанти відповідей

has been cancelled

has been put off

will take place tomorrow

Запитання 3

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Welcome to little Japan

A colourful multimillion - pound complex of the city's Japanese cultural and business district which houses over 50 shops, offering products from the East.

Питання - The complex...

варіанти відповідей

is located in a residential area.

cost a lot of money to build

houses shops that sell goods from all over the world

Запитання 4

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COOK with twenty years' experience working in restaurants in the UK, France and Spain. Available in Laudersdale.

Contact: adamowens@gustr.com

варіанти відповідей

A cook is wanted to work in the UK, France and Spain.

A cook with twenty years' experience is wanted.

A cook in Laudersdale is looking for a job.

Запитання 5

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Yesterday, more than 30,000 people ran the marathon, with an estimated one million people out on the streets following the race and millions of viewers watching the live broadcast.

Питання - How many watched the race on TV?

варіанти відповідей

One million people.

We do not know.

Thirty thousand people.

Запитання 6

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YOGA Introductory Course


-get in touch with your spiritual side

-work out

Learn all about the different methods to see what suits you best in this all-inclusive introductory course for non-experienced students.

To register, please contact yoga instructor Basil Cheng by 30 November.

Питання - This yoga course...

варіанти відповідей

will help beginners choose a suitable yoga method.

is for yoga students of different levels.

will run until the end of November.

Запитання 7

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Hope's Kitchen

Open 07.30 - 15.00

Make your own sandwiches and salads from our range of fresh ingredients. Hot soup is available every morning till 12 - a different flavour every week!

Питання - At Hope's Kitchen...

варіанти відповідей

soup can only be ordered after 12.00.

you can choose your own soup ingredients.

there is a different kind of soup every week.

Запитання 8

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If you lost a bracelet, one has been found near James Park. Come to the lost property office in the park, near the play area. You must be able to describe it.

варіанти відповідей

The bracelet was found in the play area.

The lost property office is inside James Park.

Someone from the lost property office will describe the bracelet.

Запитання 9

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John, we're meeting at the cinema complex at 7, because we want to grab a bite to eat before the film. Text me if you're interested so I can get you a ticket.


варіанти відповідей

The film starts sometime before 7.

Mary won't go to the cinema unless John does.

John doesn't have a ticket yet.

Запитання 10

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From: Mark

To: Tom

Hi Tom,

Just realised that a nice music festival will be taking place in town when you visit next month. Do you want to go? What do you want to do for the week you will be here?

варіанти відповідей

Tom is interested in the music festival.

The boys have not made plans for Tom's visit yet.

Mark invited Tom to stay for a month.

Запитання 11

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Volleyball Team

Looking for players

First training session Saturday, 1 October, 16.00

Arrive 30 minutes early to sign up.

варіанти відповідей

The new players will need to train for half an hour before the session.

The training session on Saturday will last thirty minutes.

Anyone interested in joining the team should arrive half an hour before the session.

Запитання 12

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Tickets are available for 1.50 pound from the machines at the bus stops or from the driver. If buying on the bus, please have exact amount. Drivers cannot give change.

варіанти відповідей

If passengers do not have tickets, they cannot board the bus.

Only the machines give change.

You can only get tickets at hte bus stop.

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