
Додано: 28 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
18 запитань
Запитання 1

... was the capital of Kyivan Rus.

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Запитання 2

Zoloti vorota was the main ... to the city.

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Запитання 3

... is often the starting point of many tours round Kyiv.

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Independence Square

St Sophia Cathedral

Zoloti Vorota

Запитання 4

The St Sophia Cathedral was founded by ...

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Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Bartelomeo Rastrelli

Yaroslav the Wise

Запитання 5

Where was the centre of learning and culture in Kyivan Rus?

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St Sophia Cathedral

St Andrew`s Church

Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra

Запитання 6

Kyiv`s patron saint.

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St Andrew

St Michael

Yaroslav the Wise

Запитання 7

Andriyivsky Uzviz keeps its charm for the ...

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Запитання 8

St Andrew`s Church was built by architect ...

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Renzo Riano

Bartelomeo Rastrelli

Frank Lloyd Wright

Запитання 9

Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra has ...

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some squares

numerous caves

the monument to the heroes

Запитання 10

What is the main street in Kyiv?

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Bankova Street

Andriyivky Uzviz


Запитання 11

This place is the most popular among people for meeting.

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Maydan Nezalezhnosti

Zoloti Vorota

Andriyivsky Uzviz

Запитання 12

It is the heart of Ukraine`s Orange revolution of 2004.

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Maidan Nezalezhnosti

Zoloti Vorota

Запитання 13

Where is the monument to the heroes of the Revolution of Dignity?

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Maidan Nezalezhnosti


Nebesna Sotnya Alley

Запитання 14

The House of Chimeras has ...

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many fairy animals

many caves

many golden domes

Запитання 15

... is 12 km south of Kyiv.

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Mezhyhirya Residence

Mariyinsky Palace

Museum of Folk architecture

Запитання 16

He brought the Christianity to the eastern Slavs in 988.

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Volodymyr the Great

Yaroslav the Wise

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Запитання 17

One half of Kyiv`s territory is covered by ...

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parks and gardens

trees and flowers

Запитання 18

Kyiv is situated on the banks of the river ...

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