Ukraine: Kyiv (до підручника А.Несвіт, уроки 1-4)

Додано: 1 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 204 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Kyiv stands on the river ...

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Запитання 2

... is the main street of Kyiv.

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Andriyivskiy Descent

 Brovarskyi prospect

Bankova Street

Запитання 3

The capital of Ukraine is ...

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Запитання 4

Our Motherland is ... 

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Запитання 5

The national symbol of Ukraine is ... 

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an Oak Tree

a Red Rose

a Maple leaf

a Trident

Запитання 6

The ... was a military tower with driveway and the main entrance to the city in ancient times

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Maidan Nezalezhnosti

the Golden Gate

the Lyadsky gate

Andriyivskiy Uzviz

Запитання 7

Maidan Nezalezhnosti is also called ...

варіанти відповідей

St. Sophia's Square

Independence Square

the Saviour's Square

the Lavra Square

Запитання 8

The historical heart of the city is Podil. All the visitors who come here admire St. ... Church

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St. Sophia’s

the Kyiv-Pecherska


St. Paul's Church 

Запитання 9

People who live in Kyiv are ...

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Запитання 10

St. Sophia's Cathedral is famous for its ...

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 exotic creatures

 handmade souvenirs

large caves and natural holes

beautiful ancient mosaics and frescoes

Запитання 11

Where do people buy sovenirs ?

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Mariyinskiy Palace

The House with Chimeras

Andriyivskiy Uzviz

the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra

Запитання 12

What is the residence of the president?

варіанти відповідей

the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra 

Mariyinskiy Palace 

Independence Square 

Verhovna Rada

Запитання 13

Kyiv is the political, economic, scientific and cultural

.... of Ukraine

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Запитання 14

The streets of Kyiv are lined with...

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cherry and apple trees

palms and roses

chestnut trees, lime trees and poplars

oaks, pine trees and fir-trees

Запитання 15

What do the streets of Kyiv look like?

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They are wide and beautiful. 

They are short and narrow. 

Запитання 16

Where do monks live and pray?

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Independence Square 

Mariyinskiy Palace

The House with Chimeras

the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra

Запитання 17

... are the symbols of Kyiv, and they appear everywhere – on the old 1-hryvnia coin, on metro tokens (now a thing of the past), and on the city’s coat of arms

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the walnut, apricot and other fruit trees

the horse-chestnut leaves and white and pink pyramid-shaped flowers

the guelder roses and sunflowers

the potato, wheat and rye 

Запитання 18

What kinds of transport carry passengers around the city?

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Many buses, minibuses, trolley-buses, trams and cars carry passengers around the city.

Many trucks, ships, trains and planes carry passengers around the city

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