Leisure Time

Додано: 28 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 33 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

It is a funny, humorous film

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a cartoon

a historical film

a comedy

Запитання 2

I have to do it.....

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Запитання 3

Go and see a place where you look at old or interesting things-

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take photos

get lost

go sightseeing

Запитання 4

Big Ben is a name of the Clock Tower.

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Запитання 5

Where is the Gherkin?

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Запитання 6

What film shows us the destruction of the Millennium Bridge?

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Harry Potter


Pirates of the Caribbean

Запитання 7

What was the main entrance to Kyiv in times of Kyivan Rus.

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St Sophia Cathedral

Andriyivskyi Uzviz

Zoloti Vorota

Запитання 8

St Andrew's church was built by the Italian.....Rastrelli.

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Запитання 9

До того часу як ми приїхали, вечірка вже закінчилась.

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By the time we arrived, the party had already finished.

By the time we had arrived the party finished already.

By the time we have arrived the party has finished.

Запитання 10

Олег читав статтю про Київ, в той час як його сестра писала твір про Лондон.

варіанти відповідей

Oleg read an article about Kyiv while his sister was writing a topic about London.

Oleg had read an article about Kyiv while his sister wrote a topic about London.

Oleg was reading an article about Kyiv while his sister was writing a topic about London.

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