Let's Revise and Practice Unit 2 Sports ( 10 grade L.Morska Profiled Level)

Додано: 24 жовтня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct item.

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video and even (4)_____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise.

варіанти відповідей


are meeting


Запитання 2

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can jogging while they wait. These are likely to play video games and even (4)_______stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can jogging while they wait. These are likely to play video games and even (4)_______stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей

will be


is going to be

Запитання 10

Tomorrow's Holidays

What will the holidays of the future look like? It's a question many people in the travel industry would like to answer. Experts (1)______ in Rio de Janeiro later this month to predict the future of tourism. Many people will be prepared to go further to find that special holiday that they'll never (2) ___________.

Some travel experts think that they won't even have to leave the airport (3)_______ they really want to. Many airports already have excellent entertainment facilities where passengers can play video games and even (4) _____jogging while they wait. These are likely to stay popular, with airports giving passengers the

opportunity to (5)_________. in all sorts of sports, from skiing to surfing, in the same destination. Guests will be able to (6) _____equipment, and even clothes, to reduce the amount of luggage that they take on planes. The (7)_____ itself will be better for the environment, with biofuels powering airplanes. As companies (8)___ to build the most energy- efficient hotels, not a drop of water or electricity (9)______

wasted. Cruise ships have been the big success story for holidaysover the last few years. In future, floating islands where people can go to relax and improve

their levels of (10)__________will be the new cruise

варіанти відповідей




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