Level 6, Unit 7-8

Додано: 26 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 105 разів
50 запитань
Запитання 1

If I ______ stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.

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will be


had been

would have been

Запитання 2

If we ___ him tomorrow, we'll say hello.

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will meet

had met

would meet

Запитання 3

If you drop the vase, it ______.


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will break


had broken

would break

Запитання 4

If I hadn't studied, I ________ the exam.

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do not pass

will not pass

did not pass

had not passed

would not pass

would not have passed

Запитання 5

If she________ him every day, she'd be lovesick.

варіанти відповідей

doesn't see

won't see

hadn't seen

didn't see

wouldn't see

Запитання 6

If I had more time, I _____ you last night.

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would call

would have called


Запитання 7

If you heat water to 100 C, it ...

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will boil

Запитання 8

Unless she ... her results, she ... to the concert.

варіанти відповідей

improves ... won't go

improves ... will go

doesn't improve ... will go

Запитання 9

If I have to do this, I ...

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will do

would do

Запитання 10

I won't go to the party unless she ... me.

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doesn't invite

will invite

Запитання 11

If you had trained more, you ______ so easily.

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didn't lose

wouldn't have lost

hadn't lost

Запитання 12

If I ______ that she was in town, I would have called her.

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would have known

would know

had known

Запитання 13

The exams are beginning next week. I ________ do some work.

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’d rather

’d better

Запитання 14

I ______ do experiments in science lessons than listen to the teacher all the time.

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’d rather

’d better

Запитання 15

It’s my cousin’s birthday on Saturday, but I _____ I didn’t have to go to

her party.

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’d rather

 ’d better

Запитання 16

You ____ hurry if you don’t want to be late!

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’d rather

’d better

Запитання 17

I don’t want to watch a DVD this evening. I _______ listen to some music.

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’d rather

’d better

Запитання 18

My football boots are very old. I ________ I had some new ones.

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I’d better

Запитання 19

I’m not very fit. I ______ go to the gym.

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’d rather

I'd better

Запитання 20

I don’t like football. I_____ play basketball.

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’d rather

I’d better

Запитання 21

We don’t live near the sports stadium. I _______ we lived nearer.

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I’d better

Запитання 22

I always get nervous before a race. I _____ relax.

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I’d better

Запитання 23

I don’t like running. I ______ swim.

варіанти відповідей

’d rather

I’d better

Запитання 24

Which sentence is NOT correct?


варіанти відповідей

 I wish could do that!   

I wish you wouldn’t do that.   

 I wish I were stronger.   

Запитання 25

I’m sorry I made you angry. I wish I ____ shouted at you.

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Запитання 26

Which sentence is correct?

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 I wish I were going to the beach with my friends!   

 I wish we live in a bigger house.   

Запитання 27

What CANNOT go in the space?

He’s really handsome! If only I ___ ten years younger!

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would be

Запитання 28

 You want to go to Sally’s party, but you can’t. What can you say?

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I wish I went to your party.   

I wish I could go to your party.   

I wish I would go to your party

Запитання 29

Tim is a sports teacher. He ______the school football team.

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Запитання 30

My uncle has been _____ since he was twenty. He could see when he was a child.

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Запитання 31

Our teachers ________ us to work hard.

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Запитання 32

I had a great holiday in Britain. It was a good ______ to practise my English.

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Запитання 33

We were all very _____ when out team didn’t win.

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Запитання 34

Kate was ______ with her brother when he lost her mobile phone.

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Запитання 35

I was very ________ before the exam. Geography isn’t my best subject, and I hadn’t done much work.

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Запитання 36

I thought I might fail the exam, but I was ____ when I discovered that I’d


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Запитання 37

I was really _______ when my pet died, but my teacher was very kind to me.

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Запитання 38

I was very ___when I won the school music competition.

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Запитання 39

I was _____ when the teacher didn’t like my project about animals.

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Запитання 40

Lisa _____ for a part in a play.

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Запитання 41

My aunt uses a wheelchair because she’s ______.

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Запитання 42

I think I’ve read this book before. It’s very _________.

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Запитання 43

Steve went up to the second _____ of the competition, but he didn’t reach the final.

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Запитання 44

Our teacher helps us when we make mistakes.She doesn’t ______us.

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Запитання 45

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or


The woman didn’t want magazine readers to know her real identity.

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Запитання 46

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

She’s been rich for three months.

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Запитання 47

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

If her husband knew about the lottery win, he would continue to work.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 48

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

She hasn’t stopped working since her lottery win.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 49

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

She hasn’t spent a lot of money since her lottery win.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 50

A £2 million secret

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you tell your friends? Some lottery

winners don’t want the newspapers to know their names, but they usually share the news with their families and friends. But one winner hasn’t told anyone. We interviewed her last week. We can’t tell readers the woman’s real name, so we've called her ‘Nicola’. Nicola has got a fortune in the bank, but no one knows about it. She won £2 million in the lottery three months ago, but she didn’t want the money to change her life, so she didn’t tell anyone: not even her husband! Nicola didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to leave his job. Nicola’s husband didn’t use to work. He stayed at home for nearly four years and watched TV all day! Eventually he found a job, and now he’s a much nicer and happier person. ‘That’s why I decided not to tell him about the money,’ Nicola said. ‘I was afraid it would change our lives. He would have used the lottery money as an opportunity to stop work again. I don’t want him to be lazy and unhappy again. I didn’t want to ruin the life that we’ve got now.’ So how does Nicola keep her secret? Nicola still has a job, but now she doesn’t go to work every day. She tells her husband that she's doing more of her work at home. The family go out together a lot more and they've got new clothes. She pretends that she's managed to save the money for these things.

‘Are you happy?’ we asked her. ‘Yes,’ Nicola answered. 'I don’t have to worry about money now, and that’s nice. But nothing else has changed. Sometimes I buy things secretly, but I don’t spend a lot of money. We don’t need glamorous clothes and expensive holidays.’

Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

The woman thinks that the money has destroyed their life.

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