
Film reviews | LearnEnglish (

Додано: 3 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Film reviews | LearnEnglish (

Why did the reviewer have low expectations for the sequel to "Fun in the City"?

варіанти відповідей

They loved the original film.

They didn't like the original film.

They had high expectations for sequels.

Запитання 2

What is the main criticism of the big wedding scene in the sequel?

варіанти відповідей

It's funny and relevant.

 It's irrelevant and contains a terrible joke.

It sets the tone for the entire film.

Запитання 3

Why does the film's plot move to India, according to the reviewer?

варіанти відповідей

The characters want a change of scenery.

The director ran out of ideas.

It was always part of the story.

Запитання 4

What does the reviewer suggest about the characters' behaviors in the film?

варіанти відповідей

They are relatable and genuine.

No real people would ever act like them.

Their actions contribute positively to the plot.

Запитання 5

What advice does the reviewer give regarding watching the sequel?

варіанти відповідей

Watch it for a good laugh.

Save your money and avoid it.

Encourage others to see it.

Запитання 6

What alternative film does the reviewer recommend watching instead of the sequel?

варіанти відповідей

Twilight Saga

Twilight Mirror

Fun in the City

Запитання 7

What made the reviewer nervous before watching the film based on promotional materials?

варіанти відповідей

Posters and casting choices.

Plot summaries.

Previous reviews.

Запитання 8

What does the reviewer specifically praise about the positive film experience?

варіанти відповідей

The engaging characters.

The believable computer world.

The film's connection to the original book.

Запитання 9

What emotion does the reviewer express about the film's pace?

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Liked it.

Запитання 10

How does the film connect with the reviewer on an emotional level?

варіанти відповідей

Through nostalgic childhood memories.

Through relatable characters.

Through unexpected plot twists.

Запитання 11

The reviewer enjoyed "Fun in the City," the prequel to this sequel.

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Запитання 12

The big wedding scene in the sequel is praised for its humor and relevance.

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Запитання 13

The characters and the plot of the sequel remain in New York throughout the entire film.

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Запитання 14

The decision to set part of the sequel in India is positively acknowledged by the reviewer.

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Запитання 15

According to the reviewer, the characters' actions in the film are considered realistic and relatable.

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Запитання 16

The reviewer don`t encourages people to watch the sequel to support the creation of another sequel.

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Запитання 17

The reviewer recommends watching "Twilight Mirror" instead of the sequel.

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Запитання 18

The reviewer loved the posters and casting choices for the sequel.

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Запитання 19

The film's pace, including transitions between the real and computer worlds, is criticized by the reviewer.

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Запитання 20

The reviewer felt emotionally disconnected from the story and characters in the sequel.

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