
Додано: 4 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 66 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

The idea for the "man versus horse" marathon came from an argument between

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two men and the owner of a pub

two custumers in a pub

a custumer and the owner of a pub

Запитання 2

The first race took place

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the same year

a few years later

in 1985

Запитання 3

The race isn't actually a marathon because

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horses take part

the course is too short

the race is cross-country

Запитання 4

The first few years of the event

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horses won some and humans won some

horses always won

humans always won

Запитання 5

In 1985 ,an American cyclist called Jacquie Phelan

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won the race on foot

won the race on her bike

nearly won the race on her bike

Запитання 6

The first human to win the race was Tim Gould

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an American cyclist

a British runner

a British cyclist

Запитання 7

Huw Lobb , the first runner to win the race , won in

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Запитання 8

Huw Lobb's winning time was about about

варіанти відповідей

2 hours 19 minutes

2 hours 40 minutes

2 hours 5 minutes

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