True or false?
1. There are four different age groups that play water polo.
True or false?
2. Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club.
True or false?
3. The under 16s water polo team train three times a week.
True or false?
4. The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday evenings.
True or false?
5. Water polo matches are played on Saturdays.
True or false?
6. You have to pay to join the water polo classes for under 18s.
True or false?
7. You need to bring a photo to register at the swimming pool.
True or false?
8. Training for the water polo team starts this week.
Продовжіть речення.
Tyrone is ...years old.
Продовжіть речення.
Tyrone's surname is...
Tyrone is interested in...
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