
Додано: 1 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 86 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.

варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.

Запитання 2

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.

варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.

Запитання 3

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.

варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.


Запитання 4

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.


варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.

Запитання 5

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.

варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.


Запитання 6

Complete the conversation between two friends. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. You will hear the conversation twice.

Pop Concert

Miranda Hello Jason. How are you?

Jason 1________

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert?

Jason 2 ________

Miranda Did you have a good seat?

Jason 3 ________

Miranda But could you see everything?

Jason 4 ________

Miranda And did the band play your favourite song?

Jason 5 ________

Miranda I like it when people do that.

Jason 6 ________

Miranda Oh, it sounds wonderful.

варіанти відповідей

A I didn’t miss much because there was a large video screen too.

B It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve ever been too.

C Yes, it was great because everyone in the concert hall was singing.

D I’m very well, thank you.

E Yes, they played most of them.

F Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But everyone was standing up, so it didn’t matter.

G I think so because there were no empty seats.

H So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they sang that song again at the end.

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