Listening and Vocabulary. Unit 2. DO YOUR CHORES, Карпюк 7

Listening ( 8 tasks)

Before doing the test you have to listen to the text Who needs a clean house? twice.

Посилання на відео до тесту

Vocabulary ( 18 tasks)

Read the tasks attentively and choose the correct answer.

Додано: 6 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
26 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to the text and choose the right variant.

Why didn't Mr. and Mrs. Smith wash their dishes regularly?  

варіанти відповідей

They didn't have a dishwasher.  

They only washed the dishes when there were no clean plates left. 

They liked eating from dirty plates.  

Запитання 2

What did Marie use to clean the carpets?  

варіанти відповідей

A broom  

A mop  

A vacuum cleaner 

Запитання 3

Why couldn't Mrs. Smith see her face in the bathroom mirror?  

варіанти відповідей

The mirror was broken.  

The mirror was too dusty. 

The bathroom light was off.  

Запитання 4

How did Mr. Smith react when he saw the clean house?  

варіанти відповідей

He was angry because it wasn't clean enough.  

He liked it but was worried they wouldn't find anything. 

He didn't notice the difference.  

Запитання 5

Mr. and Mrs. Smith always put their clothes away neatly before going to bed.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Marie cleaned the kitchen floor by scrubbing it on her hands and knees.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Mr. Smith was unhappy with how clean the house looked.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

The Smith`s carpets had been regularly cleaned before Marie arrived.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Vocabulary practice

to sweep

варіанти відповідей

the sink        

the floor 

the fence

Запитання 10

to put dishes

варіанти відповідей


the fence   

into cupboards

Запитання 11

to tidy up

варіанти відповідей


the dishwasher   

the room 

Запитання 12

to pick up

варіанти відповідей

the laundry   

the table    

dirty clothes 

Запитання 13

to dust

варіанти відповідей

in the washing machine    

dirty clothes   


Запитання 14

Match the descriptions with the household appliances.

You wash clothes in it. It’s a……

варіанти відповідей


washing machine 


Запитання 15

It makes food very, very cold. It’s a …….

варіанти відповідей

vacuum cleaner


microwave oven

Запитання 16

A metal container used for cooking food in it ……

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 17

You press clothes with it. It’s an …….

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 18

Fill in the gaps.

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

1.   garbage                  

1.   sleep                

1.    makes dinner

Запитання 19

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .


варіанти відповідей

2.      lay            

2.     mops       

2.    make  

Запитання 20

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

3.   make     

3.  does the washing up

3.    grass

Запитання 21

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .


варіанти відповідей

4.   grass

4.  watch  

4.    garbage

Запитання 22

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

5.   watch    

5.   garbage

5.   sleep

Запитання 23

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

6.   lay

6.  mops   

6.   make

Запитання 24

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

7.   watch  

7.    makes dinner 

7.   make

Запитання 25

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

8.   mops   

8.    grass    

8.  watch

Запитання 26

I live in a house with my mom, dad and two brothers. We all have chores that we do each week.

My mom 1 ... every night. We usually eat pizza or tacos. She also cleans the kitchen. Mom 2... the floor when it is dirty and she 3... after dinner in the sink. My dad cuts the 4... outside and takes out the 5... . They both work very hard to keep our house clean.

My brothers and I like to help. Before dinner we 6... the table and every morning we 7... our beds. After dinner we all usually 8... TV together in the living room. At 10:00 PM we all go to 9 ... .

варіанти відповідей

9.   watch   

9.   garbage   

9.  sleep

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