Listening and Vocabulary. «The Life of youth in the USA » Карпюк 9, Unit 1, Lesson 2. TEEN GENERATION .

Before doing the test you have to listen to the text "The Life of youth in the USA" twice

( 8 tasks)

Посилання на відео до тесту


Read the tasks attentively and choose the correct answer.

Додано: 12 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
23 запитання
Запитання 1


Choose the correct answer.

What is the motto of the Boy Scouts in the USA?

варіанти відповідей

Always Ready

Be Prepared

Be Brave

Stay Strong

Запитання 2

How many girls participate in the Girl Scouts?

варіанти відповідей

About one million

Nearly two million

Nearly three million

More than four million

Запитання 3

What do boys and girls in farm areas learn through clubs?

варіанти відповідей

Raising animals only

Basic sports skills

Working together in agriculture and home-making

Musical talents

Запитання 4

What type of jobs do young people often take after school?

варіанти відповідей

Full-time office jobs

Babysitting and newspaper delivery

Sports coaching

Graphic design

Запитання 5

How many school-age children go to camps during the summer vacation?

варіанти відповідей

Around two million

About five million

Nearly ten million

Over fifteen million

Запитання 6

What kind of activities are offered at summer camps?

варіанти відповідей

Science experiments and essay writing

Arts, crafts, and sometimes computer skills

Advanced language classes

Marathon running and track racing

Запитання 7

Who typically works as counselors at summer camps?

варіанти відповідей

Local teachers

College students

School principals

Retired workers

Запитання 8

What is one of the responsibilities of elected student council representatives?

варіанти відповідей

Organizing sports competitions

Raising money for public welfare

Hiring teachers for schools

Managing school cafeterias

Запитання 9


Complete the sentences with the words

… is very good for your body and mood.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

Before … , please check all the windows.

варіанти відповідей


going out


Запитання 11

… is not allowed here.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

Did you have any difficulty in … this exercise?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 13

Match the words with their definitions


варіанти відповідей

a separate object, thing or unit in a list or collection

some information sent by telephone or email

a person has aggressive methods of proving his mind; pointed hat or footwear

Запитання 14


варіанти відповідей

to make something for support or advertise ideas, products

an inexpensive place for young people on bicycle trips, hikes etc.

a material made of the skin of an animal

Запитання 15


варіанти відповідей

to think about; to turn around or rotate

some information sent by telephone or email

a person has aggressive methods of proving his mind; pointed hat or footwear

Запитання 16

to provide

варіанти відповідей

to think about; to turn around or rotate

to make something for support or advertise ideas, products

some information sent by telephone or email

Запитання 17

Read the text. Put the verbs into the correct form: to + verb or Gerund.


Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

1 to go

1 going

Запитання 18


Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

2 belonging

2 belong

Запитання 19

Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

3 learning

3 to learn

Запитання 20

Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

4 to build

4 building

Запитання 21

Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

5 doing

5 do

Запитання 22

Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

6 playing

6 play

Запитання 23

Youth clubs give young people a low-cost place (1, go) … outside of school, offering them a sense of (2, belong) … . The activities and support from club leaders and volunteers allow young people (3, learn) … new skills and (4, build) … confidence and resilience for the future, as well as have fun. Teenagers sometimes really enjoy (5, do) … something by hands or love (6, play) … sport games. Young people choose (7, go) … there, with youth clubs open to all young people.

варіанти відповідей

7 to go

7 going

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