Listening Comprehension "A compliment for a compliment".

Прослухати текст можна тут:

Лексика до тексту

a painter - художник

the patient - пацїєнт

too much food - занадто багато їжі

in danger - у небезпеці

an animal - тварина

great - великий

drank - пив

important - важливий

heard - чули

was angry - розлютився

refused - відмовлялися

met - зустрів

was sure - був впевнений

paiint - фарбувати

Додано: 15 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

1. A very rich painter had a family.

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Запитання 2

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

2. The dog was ill - perhaps because the painter gave him too much food.

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Запитання 3

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

The painter phoned all the doctors in London

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Запитання 4

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

When they heard that the patient was a dog, they agreed to send the doctor.

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Запитання 5

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

The doctor was sure the dog's life was in danger.

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Запитання 6

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

When the doctor came and saw the patient he was very happy.

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Запитання 7

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

The doctor asked the painter to come to his house.

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Запитання 8

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

The painter was sure it was about his picture.

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Запитання 9

Task 1.Say if the statement is true or false.

The doctor suggested that the artist paint the door.

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Запитання 10

Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

A painter had…

варіанти відповідей

a family

a son

a dog

a cat

Запитання 11

Task 2. Choose a correct variant. 

The animal lay in the painter's bed and only ......

варіанти відповідей

drank a little water

drank a of water

ate a little food

ate a lot of food.

Запитання 12

Task 2. Choose a correct variant. 

The painter phoned ...... in the city.

варіанти відповідей

all the doctors

all the hospitals

all his relatives

all the painters

Запитання 13

Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

The patient was…

варіанти відповідей

a doctor

a painter

a cat

a dog

Запитання 14

Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

The hospitals refused to send…

варіанти відповідей

a letter

some food

a doctor

some milk

Запитання 15

Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

When the doctor came and saw the patient he was .....

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