Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word.
Jim`s mum has been cooking since ...
Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word.
Jim`s mum wants Jim to ... the onions.
Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word.
Jim can`t find a ...
Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word
Jim`s mum wants to put the mixture in a(an) ...
Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word
Jim wants to taste ... mum has made.
Listen to two people talking and complete the sentence. Choose the correct word
Jim`s friends will be at his place at ...
Choose True or False
Mum came back home.
Choose True or False
It`s almost eleven o`clock.
Choose True or False
Mum hasn`t finished cooking yet.
Choose True or False
Mum lost track of time.
Choose True or False
Jim decides to help his mum.
Choose True or False
Jim has to fry mushrooms.
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