Literature (10-A)

Додано: 17 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What Shakespeare play is about a prince who contemplates suicide after the murder of his father, the king?

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Запитання 2

The epic poem "Beowulf" was written by whom?

варіанти відповідей

William the Conqueror

Two anonymous scribes

William Shakespeare

Запитання 3

Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" consists of tales told by Chaucer from the point of view of whom?

варіанти відповідей

A group of pilgrims headed to Canterbury Cathedral

A group of people fleeing the Black Death

The Earl of Canterbury

A group of soldiers about to invade Canterbury near the end of the Hundred Years' War

Запитання 4

In John Milton's "Paradise Lost," what disguise does Satan use to trick the Archangel Uriel into letting him onto Earth?

варіанти відповідей

A serpent


A cherub

The Archangel Michael

Запитання 5

In Jonathan Swift's satirical "Gulliver's Travels," Gulliver meets intelligent horses that refer to humans as what?

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Запитання 6

In which century were Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales written?

варіанти відповідей

15th -16th

13th – 14th

16th – 17th

Запитання 7

In which century was the Florentine painter known as Sandro Botticelli born?

варіанти відповідей

15th century

16th century

14th century

Запитання 8

Who "found English a dialect and left it a language"?

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Запитання 9

According to the earliest medieval ballads about him, where did Robin Hood live?

варіанти відповідей

Barnsdale Forest

Sherwood Forest

The New Forest

Запитання 10

Who coined the phrase ‘Wars of the Roses’?

варіанти відповідей

William Shakespeare

Sir Walter Scott

Sir Thomas More

Запитання 11

When was John Milton born?

варіанти відповідей

9 December 1608

17 August 1612

12 June 1628

Запитання 12

How many narrative arcs does Paradise Lost have?

варіанти відповідей




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