...... is the Queen's official residence.
Match the photo with the names of London places of interest.
Match the photo with the names of London places of interest.
It is a big clock tower with the famous bell, a part of the Houses of Parliament
One of the tourist attractions is St. Paul`s … .
Which of the following poets performed his plays at the original Globe Theatre?
The capital of England is
Trafalgar Square is..
Name the place
It is a tower where Big Ben is ...
The biggest church in London is...
London stands on the river ...
Complete the sentences (доповнити речення)
4 I ... lost because I didn't have a map.
Complete the sentences (доповнити речення)
5 We went to the ... gallery to see those Picasso painting.
Answer the question.
Which place isn't in London?
which is the official language in London:
Which of these buildings are in London?
Translate the sentence "Темза-найдовша і найвідоміша річка Британії
The main cities in Great Britain..
Translate the word medieval.
Where is London double decker?
The London Eye ...
Complete the sentences (доповнити речення)
9 St. Paul's Cathedral has a huge ... .
... is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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