London is the main tourist ........ of the country
Tourist want to see ....
Westminster now is the .........centre in London
There are royal tombs in the ....
............... was crowned in the Westminster
You’ve read in this text about St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Tower of London.
In 13th century king Edward the Confessor decided to build an abbey church.
Now there are many royal tombs in the Westminster Abbey.
William the Conqueror was crowned in the Abbey.
The present Houses of Parliament were built after the fire in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
London's many places of interest attract millions of tourists every year.
There are many memorials to writers, poets and musicians in the Poets' Corner.
Since then all the coronations have been held in the church.
The Palace of Westminster was built, when the king of Great Britain was Edward the Confessor.
The Parliament met there since the 18th till the 19th century.
St. Paul's Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece built from 1675 to 1709.
It is crowned with a ... dome;
inside the dome there is the famous Whispering .... .
Inside the cathedral there are many memorials, including memorials to Wellington and ... .
The Tower of ... is associated with many important events in British history.
It used to be a fortress, a palace and a ... famous for its prisoners
It has several world-class orchestras, a well-known opera house, performance ... , and clubs.
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