Look at the baby 4 клас

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 111 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Siberian tigers are... than Africa lions.

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the biggest

more bigger

Запитання 2

Fred is... person in his family.

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the youngest

more young Zelda

Запитання 3

The dog is... than the cat.

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the fattest

more fat

Запитання 4

Mike is... person in his family.

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the fastest



Запитання 5

Nick's sister is... he is.

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a worse dancer than

the oldest

the best dancer than

good than

Запитання 6

This hamster is... than that one.

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the fastest


Запитання 7

What's a baby panda called?

It's called...

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a joey


baby panda

panda cub

Запитання 8

What's a baby kangaroo called?

It's called...

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Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the right sentences.

I like animals and I've got some pets. My hamster is called Samson and he is the smallest animal in the house. My rabbit George lives in the garden. He likes jumping and he is very good at it! My cat is called Fifi. She's five years old - she's older than George and Samson. She is bigger than them, of course, and she is very fat too. She is fatter than our dog Biff. He's the biggest pet in the house. He is also faster than Samson, George and Fifi. Biff is the oldest pet in the family and He's eight years old. I love them all.

варіанти відповідей

Samson is the smallest animal in the house.

George likes jumping and he is good at it.

Samson and George are younger than Fifi.

Samson is the fattest pet in the house.

Biff is the fastest pet in the house.

Fifi is older than Biff.

George is the biggest pet in the house.

Fifi is older than George and Samson.

Запитання 10

Переставте слова так, щоб утворилося речення.

sister, younger, Nick's, is, than, his brother.

варіанти відповідей

Nick's his brother is younger than sister.

Nick's his sister younger is than brother.

Nick's sister than is his brother younger.

Nick's sister is younger than his brother.

Запитання 11

Переставте слова так, щоб утворилося речення.

Jane, best, my, friend, was.

варіанти відповідей

Jane my best friend was.

Jane was my best friend.

Jane was best friend my.

Jane my friend best was.

Запитання 12

Переставте слова так, щоб утворилося речення.

The, kangaroo, the, tiger, faster, is, than.

варіанти відповідей

The kangaroo is faster than the tiger.

The tiger faster than the kangaroo is.

The tiger is faster than the kangaroo.

The tiger is than faster the kangaroo.

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