Market Leader Pre-Intermediate Test 3 (Units 7-9)

Додано: 1 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 50 разів
60 запитань
Запитання 1


1       You will hear a telephone conversation between Mariko Kudo in Japan and Daniel Schwarz. Mariko wants to discuss the arrangements for Daniel’s visit to Japan in November. Listen and complete the schedule for the visit (1–5) with the events (a–f) below. You will hear the conversation twice. The first one is given as an example.

a) Arrive in Tokyo

    b) Attend a conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo

    c) Attend meetings in Tokyo

    d) Fly back

    e) Meet with clients in Kyoto

    f) Attend a festival

варіанти відповідей

Mon Tues Wed

 13     14    15

Thurs Fri Sat

16     17    18



Mon Tues

 20      21




Запитання 2


1       You will hear a telephone conversation between Mariko Kudo in Japan and Daniel Schwarz. Mariko wants to discuss the arrangements for Daniel’s visit to Japan in November. Listen and complete the schedule for the visit (1–5) with the events (a–f) below. You will hear the conversation twice. The first one is given as an example.

a) Arrive in Tokyo

    b) Attend a conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo

    c) Attend meetings in Tokyo

    d) Fly back

    e) Meet with clients in Kyoto

    f) Attend a festival

варіанти відповідей

Mon Tues Wed

 13     14    15

Thurs Fri Sat

16     17    18



Mon Tues

 20      21




Запитання 3


1       You will hear a telephone conversation between Mariko Kudo in Japan and Daniel Schwarz. Mariko wants to discuss the arrangements for Daniel’s visit to Japan in November. Listen and complete the schedule for the visit (1–5) with the events (a–f) below. You will hear the conversation twice. The first one is given as an example.

a) Arrive in Tokyo

    b) Attend a conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo

    c) Attend meetings in Tokyo

    d) Fly back

    e) Meet with clients in Kyoto

    f) Attend a festival

варіанти відповідей

Mon Tues Wed

 13     14    15

Thurs Fri Sat

16    17    18



Mon Tues

 20      21




Запитання 4


1       You will hear a telephone conversation between Mariko Kudo in Japan and Daniel Schwarz. Mariko wants to discuss the arrangements for Daniel’s visit to Japan in November. Listen and complete the schedule for the visit (1–5) with the events (a–f) below. You will hear the conversation twice. The first one is given as an example.

a) Arrive in Tokyo

    b) Attend a conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo

    c) Attend meetings in Tokyo

    d) Fly back

    e) Meet with clients in Kyoto

    f) Attend a festival

варіанти відповідей

Mon Tues Wed

 13     14    15

Thurs Fri Sat

16     17    18



Mon Tues

 20      21




Запитання 5


1       You will hear a telephone conversation between Mariko Kudo in Japan and Daniel Schwarz. Mariko wants to discuss the arrangements for Daniel’s visit to Japan in November. Listen and complete the schedule for the visit (1–5) with the events (a–f) below. You will hear the conversation twice. The first one is given as an example.

a) Arrive in Tokyo

    b) Attend a conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo

    c) Attend meetings in Tokyo

    d) Fly back

    e) Meet with clients in Kyoto

    f) Attend a festival

варіанти відповідей

Mon Tues Wed

 13     14    15

Thurs Fri Sat

16     17    18



Mon Tues

 20      21




Запитання 6

2  Listen again and choose the best answer (a, b or c) to each question (6–10).

6  The telephone conversation takes place in … 

варіанти відповідей

a) September.

 b) October.

 c) early November.

Запитання 7

2  Listen again and choose the best answer (a, b or c) to each question (6–10).

7  The conference is about …

варіанти відповідей

a) international marketing. 

b) building international relations. 

c) globalising communications.

Запитання 8

2  Listen again and choose the best answer (a, b or c) to each question (6–10).

8  In Tokyo, Daniel will meet with …

варіанти відповідей

a) the design team.

 b) some clients.

 c) the marketing department.

Запитання 9

2  Listen again and choose the best answer (a, b or c) to each question (6–10).

9  Daniel will travel to Kyoto by …

варіанти відповідей

a) plane

 b) train

 c) car

Запитання 10

2  Listen again and choose the best answer (a, b or c) to each question (6–10).

10 Daniel will receive his schedule by … 

варіанти відповідей

a) telephone.

b) post.

c) e-mail.

Запитання 11


A     Marketing

3 Match each phrase with one of the definitions (11–15) below.

11 A group of consumers who have similar age, income and interests

варіанти відповідей

sales target         _____

market segment   _____

advertising agency _____

consumer profile  _____

product life-cycle  _____

Запитання 12


A     Marketing

3 Match each phrase with one of the definitions (11–15) below.

12 A description of a typical customer who may be interested in a product

варіанти відповідей

sales target         _____

market segment   _____

advertising agency _____

consumer profile  _____

product life-cycle  _____

Запитання 13


A     Marketing

3 Match each phrase with one of the definitions (11–15) below.

13 A business that produces advertisements and advises companies on advertising

варіанти відповідей

sales target         _____

market segment   _____

advertising agency _____

consumer profile  _____

product life-cycle  _____

Запитання 14


A     Marketing

3 Match each phrase with one of the definitions (11–15) below.

14 The number or amount that a company aims to sell during a period of time

варіанти відповідей

sales target         _____

market segment   _____

advertising agency _____

consumer profile  _____

product life-cycle  _____

Запитання 15


A     Marketing

3 Match each phrase with one of the definitions (11–15) below.

15 The length of time that people continue to buy a product

варіанти відповідей

sales target         _____

market segment   _____

advertising agency _____

consumer profile  _____

product life-cycle  _____

Запитання 16

B     Planning

4 Complete this extract from a presentation to a group of people wanting to start their own business (16–20) with words from the box. There is one word you don’t need.

OK, so you’ve got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it. The first thing you have to do is __________16 a plan. You need to see if there is a demand for your product, so you should __________17 some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people are. You also need to __________18 information about similar products already on the market and what price they sell at. Next, you have to __________19 the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product. And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of running your business – office rent, salaries and so on. With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could make. Then if you need help with financing, you can take your plan to a bank. Or you could try to find an equity partner – someone who wants to __________20 in your idea …

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 17

B     Planning

4 Complete this extract from a presentation to a group of people wanting to start their own business (16–20) with words from the box. There is one word you don’t need.

OK, so you’ve got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it. The first thing you have to do is __________16 a plan. You need to see if there is a demand for your product, so you should __________17 some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people are. You also need to __________18 information about similar products already on the market and what price they sell at. Next, you have to __________19 the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product. And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of running your business – office rent, salaries and so on. With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could make. Then if you need help with financing, you can take your plan to a bank. Or you could try to find an equity partner – someone who wants to __________20 in your idea …

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 18

B     Planning

4 Complete this extract from a presentation to a group of people wanting to start their own business (16–20) with words from the box. There is one word you don’t need.

OK, so you’ve got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it. The first thing you have to do is __________16 a plan. You need to see if there is a demand for your product, so you should __________17 some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people are. You also need to __________18 information about similar products already on the market and what price they sell at. Next, you have to __________19 the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product. And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of running your business – office rent, salaries and so on. With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could make. Then if you need help with financing, you can take your plan to a bank. Or you could try to find an equity partner – someone who wants to __________20 in your idea …

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 19

B     Planning

4 Complete this extract from a presentation to a group of people wanting to start their own business (16–20) with words from the box. There is one word you don’t need.

OK, so you’ve got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it. The first thing you have to do is __________16 a plan. You need to see if there is a demand for your product, so you should __________17 some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people are. You also need to __________18 information about similar products already on the market and what price they sell at. Next, you have to __________19 the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product. And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of running your business – office rent, salaries and so on. With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could make. Then if you need help with financing, you can take your plan to a bank. Or you could try to find an equity partner – someone who wants to __________20 in your idea …

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 20

B     Planning

4 Complete this extract from a presentation to a group of people wanting to start their own business (16–20) with words from the box. There is one word you don’t need.

OK, so you’ve got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it. The first thing you have to do is __________16 a plan. You need to see if there is a demand for your product, so you should __________17 some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people are. You also need to __________18 information about similar products already on the market and what price they sell at. Next, you have to __________19 the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product. And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of running your business – office rent, salaries and so on. With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could make. Then if you need help with financing, you can take your plan to a bank. Or you could try to find an equity partner – someone who wants to __________20 in your idea …

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 21

C     Prepositions

5 Complete this text (21–25) with the correct prepositions.

I find it very hard working with Andy. He just doesn’t communicate __________21 people. He does his own job well enough, but he never talks __________22 what he’s doing or what he’s done. It makes it very difficult to deal __________23 problems. Sometimes I try to discuss problems with him, but he doesn’t respond __________24 my concerns. He leaves everything to me. For example, yesterday, a customer file was missing. I asked him if he’d seen it and he said ‘no’. But then I found it on his desk. And he never apologised __________25 me!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 22

C     Prepositions

5 Complete this text (21–25) with the correct prepositions.

I find it very hard working with Andy. He just doesn’t communicate __________21 people. He does his own job well enough, but he never talks __________22 what he’s doing or what he’s done. It makes it very difficult to deal __________23 problems. Sometimes I try to discuss problems with him, but he doesn’t respond __________24 my concerns. He leaves everything to me. For example, yesterday, a customer file was missing. I asked him if he’d seen it and he said ‘no’. But then I found it on his desk. And he never apologised __________25 me!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 23

C     Prepositions

5 Complete this text (21–25) with the correct prepositions.

I find it very hard working with Andy. He just doesn’t communicate __________21 people. He does his own job well enough, but he never talks __________22 what he’s doing or what he’s done. It makes it very difficult to deal __________23 problems. Sometimes I try to discuss problems with him, but he doesn’t respond __________24 my concerns. He leaves everything to me. For example, yesterday, a customer file was missing. I asked him if he’d seen it and he said ‘no’. But then I found it on his desk. And he never apologised __________25 me!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 24

C     Prepositions

5 Complete this text (21–25) with the correct prepositions.

I find it very hard working with Andy. He just doesn’t communicate __________21 people. He does his own job well enough, but he never talks __________22 what he’s doing or what he’s done. It makes it very difficult to deal __________23 problems. Sometimes I try to discuss problems with him, but he doesn’t respond __________24 my concerns. He leaves everything to me. For example, yesterday, a customer file was missing. I asked him if he’d seen it and he said ‘no’. But then I found it on his desk. And he never apologised __________25 me!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 25

C     Prepositions

5 Complete this text (21–25) with the correct prepositions.

I find it very hard working with Andy. He just doesn’t communicate __________21 people. He does his own job well enough, but he never talks __________22 what he’s doing or what he’s done. It makes it very difficult to deal __________23 problems. Sometimes I try to discuss problems with him, but he doesn’t respond __________24 my concerns. He leaves everything to me. For example, yesterday, a customer file was missing. I asked him if he’d seen it and he said ‘no’. But then I found it on his desk. And he never apologised __________25 me!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 26


A     Questions

6 Write the questions that lead to each answer below (26–30). Use the question words given.

For example:

When did you leave?

We left at 10 p.m.

26 Which ____________________?

    I prefer the first option.

27 Who ____________________?

    Jane Moorcroft is the CEO of Binhams plc.

28 Where ____________________?

    We held the meeting in London last year.

29 Why ____________________?

    I’ve decided to resign because of stress.

30 How much ____________________?

    The new model costs $144.

варіанти відповідей

Which option are you prefer?

Which option do you prefer?

Which option you prefer?

Запитання 27


A     Questions

6 Write the questions that lead to each answer below (26–30). Use the question words given.

For example:

When did you leave?

We left at 10 p.m.

26 Which ____________________?

    I prefer the first option.

27 Who ____________________?

    Jane Moorcroft is the CEO of Binhams plc.

28 Where ____________________?

    We held the meeting in London last year.

29 Why ____________________?

    I’ve decided to resign because of stress.

30 How much ____________________?

    The new model costs $144.

варіанти відповідей

Who is Jane Moorcroft?

Who does Jane Moorcroft?

Who Jane Moorcroft is?

Запитання 28


A     Questions

6 Write the questions that lead to each answer below (26–30). Use the question words given.

For example:

When did you leave?

We left at 10 p.m.

26 Which ____________________?

    I prefer the first option.

27 Who ____________________?

    Jane Moorcroft is the CEO of Binhams plc.

28 Where ____________________?

    We held the meeting in London last year.

29 Why ____________________?

    I’ve decided to resign because of stress.

30 How much ____________________?

    The new model costs $144.

варіанти відповідей

Where did you held the meeting last year?

Where you hold the meeting last year?

Where did you hold the meeting last year?

Запитання 29


A     Questions

6 Write the questions that lead to each answer below (26–30). Use the question words given.

For example:

When did you leave?

We left at 10 p.m.

26 Which ____________________?

    I prefer the first option.

27 Who ____________________?

    Jane Moorcroft is the CEO of Binhams plc.

28 Where ____________________?

    We held the meeting in London last year.

29 Why ____________________?

    I’ve decided to resign because of stress.

30 How much ____________________?

    The new model costs $144.

варіанти відповідей

Why you decide to resign?

Why do you decide to resign?

Why did you decide to resign?

Запитання 30


A     Questions

6 Write the questions that lead to each answer below (26–30). Use the question words given.

For example:

When did you leave?

We left at 10 p.m.

26 Which ____________________?

    I prefer the first option.

27 Who ____________________?

    Jane Moorcroft is the CEO of Binhams plc.

28 Where ____________________?

    We held the meeting in London last year.

29 Why ____________________?

    I’ve decided to resign because of stress.

30 How much ____________________?

    The new model costs $144.

варіанти відповідей

How much does the new model costs?

How much does the new model cost?

How much do the new model cost?

Запитання 31

B     Future

7 Complete the sentences (31–35) with the words and phrases from the box.

31     On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our new offices there.

32     The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.

33     On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local staff.

34     I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in the city.

35     I __________ to stay for five or six days.


варіанти відповідей

am planning


hope to



will have

Запитання 32

B     Future

7 Complete the sentences (31–35) with the words and phrases from the box.

31     On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our new offices there.

32     The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.

33     On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local staff.

34     I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in the city.

35     I __________ to stay for five or six days.


варіанти відповідей

am planning


hope to



will have

Запитання 33

B     Future

7 Complete the sentences (31–35) with the words and phrases from the box.

31     On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our new offices there.

32     The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.

33     On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local staff.

34     I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in the city.

35     I __________ to stay for five or six days.


варіанти відповідей

am planning


hope to



will have

Запитання 34

B     Future

7 Complete the sentences (31–35) with the words and phrases from the box.

31     On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our new offices there.

32     The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.

33     On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local staff.

34     I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in the city.

35     I __________ to stay for five or six days.


варіанти відповідей

am planning


hope to



will have

Запитання 35

B     Future

7 Complete the sentences (31–35) with the words and phrases from the box.

31     On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our new offices there.

32     The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.

33     On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local staff.

34     I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in the city.

35     I __________ to stay for five or six days.

варіанти відповідей

am planning


hope to



will have

Запитання 36

C     Reported speech

8 Read this phone conversation and then choose the best verbs to complete each gap in the message below (36–40).

Di      Hello?

Zoe   Hi. This is Zoe. Is Rob there?

Di      No – I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

Zoe   Well, can you give him a message? Can you tell him I’m meeting Jay Banks on Wednesday now – not Friday. Rob is preparing a report for the meeting, and I’d like him to fax it to me by Tuesday evening, please.

Di      OK, I’ll tell him.

Zoe   Oh, and I talked to the agents today. They haven’t received the brochures yet. When did you send them?

Di      I’m afraid I don’t know – Rob sent them. I’ll ask him.


Message for Rob

Zoe telephoned / asked 36 about the report for the meeting. She asked if / said that 37 the meeting with Jay Banks would be on Wednesday, not Friday. She asked if / told 38 you could please fax the report to her by Tuesday evening. Also, the agents say they haven’t / hadn’t 39 received the brochures yet. Zoe wants to know when you sent / had sent 40 them.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 37

C     Reported speech

8 Read this phone conversation and then choose the best verbs to complete each gap in the message below (36–40).

Di      Hello?

Zoe   Hi. This is Zoe. Is Rob there?

Di      No – I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

Zoe   Well, can you give him a message? Can you tell him I’m meeting Jay Banks on Wednesday now – not Friday. Rob is preparing a report for the meeting, and I’d like him to fax it to me by Tuesday evening, please.

Di      OK, I’ll tell him.

Zoe   Oh, and I talked to the agents today. They haven’t received the brochures yet. When did you send them?

Di      I’m afraid I don’t know – Rob sent them. I’ll ask him.


Message for Rob

Zoe telephoned / asked 36 about the report for the meeting. She asked if / said that 37 the meeting with Jay Banks would be on Wednesday, not Friday. She asked if / told 38 you could please fax the report to her by Tuesday evening. Also, the agents say they haven’t / hadn’t 39 received the brochures yet. Zoe wants to know when you sent / had sent 40 them.

варіанти відповідей

asked if

said that

Запитання 38

C     Reported speech

8 Read this phone conversation and then choose the best verbs to complete each gap in the message below (36–40).

Di      Hello?

Zoe   Hi. This is Zoe. Is Rob there?

Di      No – I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

Zoe   Well, can you give him a message? Can you tell him I’m meeting Jay Banks on Wednesday now – not Friday. Rob is preparing a report for the meeting, and I’d like him to fax it to me by Tuesday evening, please.

Di      OK, I’ll tell him.

Zoe   Oh, and I talked to the agents today. They haven’t received the brochures yet. When did you send them?

Di      I’m afraid I don’t know – Rob sent them. I’ll ask him.


Message for Rob

Zoe telephoned / asked 36 about the report for the meeting. She asked if / said that 37 the meeting with Jay Banks would be on Wednesday, not Friday. She asked if / told 38 you could please fax the report to her by Tuesday evening. Also, the agents say they haven’t / hadn’t 39 received the brochures yet. Zoe wants to know when you sent / had sent 40 them.

варіанти відповідей

asked if


Запитання 39

C     Reported speech

8 Read this phone conversation and then choose the best verbs to complete each gap in the message below (36–40).

Di      Hello?

Zoe   Hi. This is Zoe. Is Rob there?

Di      No – I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

Zoe   Well, can you give him a message? Can you tell him I’m meeting Jay Banks on Wednesday now – not Friday. Rob is preparing a report for the meeting, and I’d like him to fax it to me by Tuesday evening, please.

Di      OK, I’ll tell him.

Zoe   Oh, and I talked to the agents today. They haven’t received the brochures yet. When did you send them?

Di      I’m afraid I don’t know – Rob sent them. I’ll ask him.


Message for Rob

Zoe telephoned / asked 36 about the report for the meeting. She asked if / said that 37 the meeting with Jay Banks would be on Wednesday, not Friday. She asked if / told 38 you could please fax the report to her by Tuesday evening. Also, the agents say they haven’t / hadn’t 39 received the brochures yet. Zoe wants to know when you sent / had sent 40 them.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 40

C     Reported speech

8 Read this phone conversation and then choose the best verbs to complete each gap in the message below (36–40).

Di      Hello?

Zoe   Hi. This is Zoe. Is Rob there?

Di      No – I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

Zoe   Well, can you give him a message? Can you tell him I’m meeting Jay Banks on Wednesday now – not Friday. Rob is preparing a report for the meeting, and I’d like him to fax it to me by Tuesday evening, please.

Di      OK, I’ll tell him.

Zoe   Oh, and I talked to the agents today. They haven’t received the brochures yet. When did you send them?

Di      I’m afraid I don’t know – Rob sent them. I’ll ask him.


Message for Rob

Zoe telephoned / asked 36 about the report for the meeting. She asked if / said that 37 the meeting with Jay Banks would be on Wednesday, not Friday. She asked if / told 38 you could please fax the report to her by Tuesday evening. Also, the agents say they haven’t / hadn’t 39 received the brochures yet. Zoe wants to know when you sent / had sent 40 them.

варіанти відповідей


had sent

Запитання 41

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 42

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 43

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 44

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 45

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 46

Skills development

A     Entertaining

9 Choose the best phrase (a–f) to complete the conversation (41–46), which takes place during lunch with a client.

Client     Of course, I enjoy travelling, but I often have to travel at weekends, and that takes up my spare time.

Host A     _____41

Client     Well, I enjoy watching sport and I often go to football matches with my two sons.

Host A     We have a very good match here tomorrow evening. I could get some tickets if you’d like to go.

Client     _____42, but I’m afraid I already have an engagement tomorrow. Perhaps another time.

Host A     Yes, of course. Would you like something else to eat? Some cheese or some dessert?

Client     No, thanks. Just a coffee, please. It’s been a lovely meal – _____43.

Host B     I’m sorry, but I have another meeting at two o’clock. _____44, I’m going to have to leave you.

Client     Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. _____45.

Host B     It’s been a pleasure to welcome you here. I hope we’ll see you again soon.

Client     I hope so, too. Goodbye. _____46.

варіанти відповідей

a) All the best

b) If you don’t mind

c) I really enjoyed it

d) It’s very kind of you 

e) Thanks for all your hospitality

f) What do you like doing in your spare time?

Запитання 47

B     Meetings

10 Complete the extract from a meeting (47–50) with these phrases (a–d).

A  … and the problem with setting a low target is that our sales people won’t have to work very hard to reach it. We have to set a target that will motivate them. So I think …

B  Hold on a minute! _____47 that my sales staff need a high target to make them work hard? Because if that’s what you mean, I have to disagree. My department has some of the most hard-working and …

C  _____48 , but I don’t think that …

B  _____49 My department has some of the most hard-working and competitive sales people in the company, and they don’t need high targets to motivate them to work hard!

C  _____50

A  What is it, Barry?

B  It’s just that I don’t think 8,000 is a low figure. The market is very difficult at the moment, and I don’t believe we can sell more than that. 

варіанти відповідей

a)      Could I just say something.

b)      If you’ll just let me finish.

c)      Are you saying.

d)     Sorry to interrupt.

Запитання 48

B     Meetings

10 Complete the extract from a meeting (47–50) with these phrases (a–d).

A  … and the problem with setting a low target is that our sales people won’t have to work very hard to reach it. We have to set a target that will motivate them. So I think …

B  Hold on a minute! _____47 that my sales staff need a high target to make them work hard? Because if that’s what you mean, I have to disagree. My department has some of the most hard-working and …

C  _____48 , but I don’t think that …

B  _____49 My department has some of the most hard-working and competitive sales people in the company, and they don’t need high targets to motivate them to work hard!

C  _____50

A  What is it, Barry?

B  It’s just that I don’t think 8,000 is a low figure. The market is very difficult at the moment, and I don’t believe we can sell more than that. 

варіанти відповідей

a)      Could I just say something.

b)      If you’ll just let me finish.

c)      Are you saying.

d)     Sorry to interrupt.

Запитання 49

B     Meetings

10 Complete the extract from a meeting (47–50) with these phrases (a–d).

A  … and the problem with setting a low target is that our sales people won’t have to work very hard to reach it. We have to set a target that will motivate them. So I think …

B  Hold on a minute! _____47 that my sales staff need a high target to make them work hard? Because if that’s what you mean, I have to disagree. My department has some of the most hard-working and …

C  _____48 , but I don’t think that …

B  _____49 My department has some of the most hard-working and competitive sales people in the company, and they don’t need high targets to motivate them to work hard!

C  _____50

A  What is it, Barry?

B  It’s just that I don’t think 8,000 is a low figure. The market is very difficult at the moment, and I don’t believe we can sell more than that. 

варіанти відповідей

a)      Could I just say something.

b)      If you’ll just let me finish.

c)      Are you saying.

d)     Sorry to interrupt.

Запитання 50

B     Meetings

10 Complete the extract from a meeting (47–50) with these phrases (a–d).

A  … and the problem with setting a low target is that our sales people won’t have to work very hard to reach it. We have to set a target that will motivate them. So I think …

B  Hold on a minute! _____47 that my sales staff need a high target to make them work hard? Because if that’s what you mean, I have to disagree. My department has some of the most hard-working and …

C  _____48 , but I don’t think that …

B  _____49 My department has some of the most hard-working and competitive sales people in the company, and they don’t need high targets to motivate them to work hard!

C  _____50

A  What is it, Barry?

B  It’s just that I don’t think 8,000 is a low figure. The market is very difficult at the moment, and I don’t believe we can sell more than that. 

варіанти відповідей

a)      Could I just say something.

b)      If you’ll just let me finish.

c)      Are you saying.

d)     Sorry to interrupt.

Запитання 51


11 Read the article and complete each gap (51–55) with one of these words (a–e).

Grocery bears fruit

When Alfred Josefsen, Managing Director of Irma, first arrived at the Copenhagen-based grocery chain, the workforce was not happy. Employee motivation was low, and staff members were frequently leaving to go to work for other companies. ‘It was a big _____51,’ says Mr Josefsen.

This year, the company is listed in the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe and wins a special award for best practices in internal communication. Some 93 per cent of the company’s employees believe Irma’s management team is approachable and easy to talk to, and 83 per cent agree that management always informs them about corporate developments.

Mr Josefsen describes the process that was needed to get the company from its low point to this position. ‘The first thing that was important was to decentralise the company and put more _____52 back into the hands of store managers,’ he explains.

The idea was to have each store operating like a local grocery, competing with stores around the corner. The new approach brought good _____53 within a remarkably short time. ‘In half a year, the atmosphere in the company was much more positive,’ says Mr Josefsen.

Irma started life in 1886 as a small shop in Copenhagen. Today, it focuses on quality foods. Irma now has more than 1,700 employees working in 70 supermarkets and administrative offices.

Mr Josefsen likes to walk about in the company’s head office, and he also visits the stores themselves to talk to shop assistants and customers.

Regular workshops and social _____54 allow staff to come together. At ‘Strategy Days’, hundreds of employees get together for three days to share ideas. Mr Josefsen is frequently present at such events.

Another effective way to improve communications has been a short e-mail from Mr Josefsen that goes out regularly to all staff conveying key business messages.

‘I try to be in contact with people so they know that the Managing Director is working hard for the _____55 of the company,’ he says. ‘You have to be in contact with people if you want to show what you’re doing and that you have direction.’

варіанти відповідей

a) decision-making

b) future  

c) crisis 

d) events

e) results

Запитання 52


11 Read the article and complete each gap (51–55) with one of these words (a–e).

Grocery bears fruit

When Alfred Josefsen, Managing Director of Irma, first arrived at the Copenhagen-based grocery chain, the workforce was not happy. Employee motivation was low, and staff members were frequently leaving to go to work for other companies. ‘It was a big _____51,’ says Mr Josefsen.

This year, the company is listed in the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe and wins a special award for best practices in internal communication. Some 93 per cent of the company’s employees believe Irma’s management team is approachable and easy to talk to, and 83 per cent agree that management always informs them about corporate developments.

Mr Josefsen describes the process that was needed to get the company from its low point to this position. ‘The first thing that was important was to decentralise the company and put more _____52 back into the hands of store managers,’ he explains.

The idea was to have each store operating like a local grocery, competing with stores around the corner. The new approach brought good _____53 within a remarkably short time. ‘In half a year, the atmosphere in the company was much more positive,’ says Mr Josefsen.

Irma started life in 1886 as a small shop in Copenhagen. Today, it focuses on quality foods. Irma now has more than 1,700 employees working in 70 supermarkets and administrative offices.

Mr Josefsen likes to walk about in the company’s head office, and he also visits the stores themselves to talk to shop assistants and customers.

Regular workshops and social _____54 allow staff to come together. At ‘Strategy Days’, hundreds of employees get together for three days to share ideas. Mr Josefsen is frequently present at such events.

Another effective way to improve communications has been a short e-mail from Mr Josefsen that goes out regularly to all staff conveying key business messages.

‘I try to be in contact with people so they know that the Managing Director is working hard for the _____55 of the company,’ he says. ‘You have to be in contact with people if you want to show what you’re doing and that you have direction.’

варіанти відповідей

a) decision-making

b) future  

c) crisis 

d) events

e) results

Запитання 53


11 Read the article and complete each gap (51–55) with one of these words (a–e).

Grocery bears fruit

When Alfred Josefsen, Managing Director of Irma, first arrived at the Copenhagen-based grocery chain, the workforce was not happy. Employee motivation was low, and staff members were frequently leaving to go to work for other companies. ‘It was a big _____51,’ says Mr Josefsen.

This year, the company is listed in the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe and wins a special award for best practices in internal communication. Some 93 per cent of the company’s employees believe Irma’s management team is approachable and easy to talk to, and 83 per cent agree that management always informs them about corporate developments.

Mr Josefsen describes the process that was needed to get the company from its low point to this position. ‘The first thing that was important was to decentralise the company and put more _____52 back into the hands of store managers,’ he explains.

The idea was to have each store operating like a local grocery, competing with stores around the corner. The new approach brought good _____53 within a remarkably short time. ‘In half a year, the atmosphere in the company was much more positive,’ says Mr Josefsen.

Irma started life in 1886 as a small shop in Copenhagen. Today, it focuses on quality foods. Irma now has more than 1,700 employees working in 70 supermarkets and administrative offices.

Mr Josefsen likes to walk about in the company’s head office, and he also visits the stores themselves to talk to shop assistants and customers.

Regular workshops and social _____54 allow staff to come together. At ‘Strategy Days’, hundreds of employees get together for three days to share ideas. Mr Josefsen is frequently present at such events.

Another effective way to improve communications has been a short e-mail from Mr Josefsen that goes out regularly to all staff conveying key business messages.

‘I try to be in contact with people so they know that the Managing Director is working hard for the _____55 of the company,’ he says. ‘You have to be in contact with people if you want to show what you’re doing and that you have direction.’

варіанти відповідей

a) decision-making

b) future  

c) crisis 

d) events

e) results

Запитання 54


11 Read the article and complete each gap (51–55) with one of these words (a–e).

Grocery bears fruit

When Alfred Josefsen, Managing Director of Irma, first arrived at the Copenhagen-based grocery chain, the workforce was not happy. Employee motivation was low, and staff members were frequently leaving to go to work for other companies. ‘It was a big _____51,’ says Mr Josefsen.

This year, the company is listed in the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe and wins a special award for best practices in internal communication. Some 93 per cent of the company’s employees believe Irma’s management team is approachable and easy to talk to, and 83 per cent agree that management always informs them about corporate developments.

Mr Josefsen describes the process that was needed to get the company from its low point to this position. ‘The first thing that was important was to decentralise the company and put more _____52 back into the hands of store managers,’ he explains.

The idea was to have each store operating like a local grocery, competing with stores around the corner. The new approach brought good _____53 within a remarkably short time. ‘In half a year, the atmosphere in the company was much more positive,’ says Mr Josefsen.

Irma started life in 1886 as a small shop in Copenhagen. Today, it focuses on quality foods. Irma now has more than 1,700 employees working in 70 supermarkets and administrative offices.

Mr Josefsen likes to walk about in the company’s head office, and he also visits the stores themselves to talk to shop assistants and customers.

Regular workshops and social _____54 allow staff to come together. At ‘Strategy Days’, hundreds of employees get together for three days to share ideas. Mr Josefsen is frequently present at such events.

Another effective way to improve communications has been a short e-mail from Mr Josefsen that goes out regularly to all staff conveying key business messages.

‘I try to be in contact with people so they know that the Managing Director is working hard for the _____55 of the company,’ he says. ‘You have to be in contact with people if you want to show what you’re doing and that you have direction.’

варіанти відповідей

a) decision-making

b) future  

c) crisis 

d) events

e) results

Запитання 55


11 Read the article and complete each gap (51–55) with one of these words (a–e).

Grocery bears fruit

When Alfred Josefsen, Managing Director of Irma, first arrived at the Copenhagen-based grocery chain, the workforce was not happy. Employee motivation was low, and staff members were frequently leaving to go to work for other companies. ‘It was a big _____51,’ says Mr Josefsen.

This year, the company is listed in the 100 Best Workplaces in Europe and wins a special award for best practices in internal communication. Some 93 per cent of the company’s employees believe Irma’s management team is approachable and easy to talk to, and 83 per cent agree that management always informs them about corporate developments.

Mr Josefsen describes the process that was needed to get the company from its low point to this position. ‘The first thing that was important was to decentralise the company and put more _____52 back into the hands of store managers,’ he explains.

The idea was to have each store operating like a local grocery, competing with stores around the corner. The new approach brought good _____53 within a remarkably short time. ‘In half a year, the atmosphere in the company was much more positive,’ says Mr Josefsen.

Irma started life in 1886 as a small shop in Copenhagen. Today, it focuses on quality foods. Irma now has more than 1,700 employees working in 70 supermarkets and administrative offices.

Mr Josefsen likes to walk about in the company’s head office, and he also visits the stores themselves to talk to shop assistants and customers.

Regular workshops and social _____54 allow staff to come together. At ‘Strategy Days’, hundreds of employees get together for three days to share ideas. Mr Josefsen is frequently present at such events.

Another effective way to improve communications has been a short e-mail from Mr Josefsen that goes out regularly to all staff conveying key business messages.

‘I try to be in contact with people so they know that the Managing Director is working hard for the _____55 of the company,’ he says. ‘You have to be in contact with people if you want to show what you’re doing and that you have direction.’

варіанти відповідей

a) decision-making

b) future  

c) crisis 

d) events

e) results

Запитання 56

12 Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Before Mr Josefsen became Managing Director …

56   employees enjoyed working for Irma.                    _____

57   employees didn’t stay very long with the company. _____

Now that Mr Josefsen is Managing Director …

58   managers and staff communicate effectively with each other.    _____

59   staff working in different stores rarely meet each other.             _____

60     regular e-mails are used to communicate business messages to staff.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 57

12 Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Before Mr Josefsen became Managing Director …

56   employees enjoyed working for Irma.                    _____

57   employees didn’t stay very long with the company. _____

Now that Mr Josefsen is Managing Director …

58   managers and staff communicate effectively with each other.    _____

59   staff working in different stores rarely meet each other.             _____

60     regular e-mails are used to communicate business messages to staff.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 58

12 Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Before Mr Josefsen became Managing Director …

56   employees enjoyed working for Irma.                    _____

57   employees didn’t stay very long with the company. _____

Now that Mr Josefsen is Managing Director …

58   managers and staff communicate effectively with each other.    _____

59   staff working in different stores rarely meet each other.             _____

60     regular e-mails are used to communicate business messages to staff.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 59

12 Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Before Mr Josefsen became Managing Director …

56   employees enjoyed working for Irma.                    _____

57   employees didn’t stay very long with the company. _____

Now that Mr Josefsen is Managing Director …

58   managers and staff communicate effectively with each other.    _____

59   staff working in different stores rarely meet each other.             _____

60     regular e-mails are used to communicate business messages to staff.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 60

12 Mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Before Mr Josefsen became Managing Director …

56   employees enjoyed working for Irma.                    _____

57   employees didn’t stay very long with the company. _____

Now that Mr Josefsen is Managing Director …

58   managers and staff communicate effectively with each other.    _____

59   staff working in different stores rarely meet each other.             _____

60     regular e-mails are used to communicate business messages to staff.

варіанти відповідей



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