Mas Media

Додано: 13 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 221 раз
36 запитань
Запитання 1

The papers in Britain are divided into...

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The weeklies

The tabloids

The monthlies

The quality papers

Запитання 2

There are detailed facts about national and international events in the British...

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daily nespapers

quality papers

Запитання 3

You can read about private lives of famous people in British..

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quality papers

Запитання 4

The bright covers of magazines for women...

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are very attractive

are designed to catch the eye

have no use

Запитання 5

The tabloids are smaller in size.

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Запитання 6

The quality papers are larger in size.

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Запитання 7

Newspapers and magazines are ... .

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Запитання 8

Ukrainian newspapers are usually ....

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dailies and weeklies

Запитання 9


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Запитання 10

Fill in the words:

Some people read ... magazines to get ideas about clothing.

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documentary / program

comic books / comics


Запитання 11

Sunday papers are_____than daily papers

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Запитання 12

TV,radio,newspapers,magazines and the Internet are called

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a news editor

Запитання 13

A description of an event

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the news



Запитання 14

Creative worker who professionally collects,recieves,prepares information for the mass media

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a reporter

a journalist


Запитання 15

Teens do not usually read about

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Запитання 16

The heading will catch the

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Запитання 17

The papers in Britain are divided into

варіанти відповідей

the quality papers

the tabloids

the quality papers and the tabloids

Запитання 18

1. Read the interview and decide if the statements are true or false.

Wherever you go these days, everyone is talking about Ophelia. Her photo is on every billboard, her songs are playing in every shop. Our reporter, Jane Wilkes, met her in a café in London.

Jane:      So, Ophelia, it’s really nice to meet you. Is that your real name, by the way?

Ophelia: Yes, I’m afraid it is. Of course, everyone knows Ophelia is a character in a play by Shakespeare. My parents loved the name, so now it’s mine too.

Jane:      Hm. Ophelia is a tragic character in the play, but things seem to be going well for you since you became famous suddenly last year.

Ophelia: Yes, the last year has been incredible. I was singing in my school show when a famous theatre director heard me. I was invited to go to an audition for a part in a big musical in London.

Jane:      Yes. And when people heard you sing at the premiere, all the tickets for the show were sold out in two days!

Ophelia: It was amazing. When the show finished, I started working on my own songs, and my CD came out before Christmas. Apparently, a million copies have been sold already.

Jane:      And I believe you’re working on a book about your life – so far!

Ophelia: Yes, I am. It’s crazy. I’m only nineteen, and my mother asked me: ‘What is there to say about someone so young?’ But I was asked to do it, and I’m working with a very good writer, so I hope my fans won’t be disappointed.

Jane:      So your biography will be published in June. 

Ophelia: Yes, that’s right. 

A) Ophelia chose her name when she saw a play.

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Запитання 19

Wherever you go these days, everyone is talking about Ophelia. Her photo is on every billboard, her songs are playing in every shop. Our reporter, Jane Wilkes, met her in a café in London.

Jane:      So, Ophelia, it’s really nice to meet you. Is that your real name, by the way?

Ophelia: Yes, I’m afraid it is. Of course, everyone knows Ophelia is a character in a play by Shakespeare. My parents loved the name, so now it’s mine too.

Jane:      Hm. Ophelia is a tragic character in the play, but things seem to be going well for you since you became famous suddenly last year.

Ophelia: Yes, the last year has been incredible. I was singing in my school show when a famous theatre director heard me. I was invited to go to an audition for a part in a big musical in London.

Jane:      Yes. And when people heard you sing at the premiere, all the tickets for the show were sold out in two days!

Ophelia: It was amazing. When the show finished, I started working on my own songs, and my CD came out before Christmas. Apparently, a million copies have been sold already.

Jane:      And I believe you’re working on a book about your life – so far!

Ophelia: Yes, I am. It’s crazy. I’m only nineteen, and my mother asked me: ‘What is there to say about someone so young?’ But I was asked to do it, and I’m working with a very good writer, so I hope my fans won’t be disappointed.

Jane:      So your biography will be published in June.

Ophelia: Yes, that’s right. 

C) Ophelia’s CD has been very successful. 

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Запитання 20

Wherever you go these days, everyone is talking about Ophelia. Her photo is on every billboard, her songs are playing in every shop. Our reporter, Jane Wilkes, met her in a café in London.

Jane:      So, Ophelia, it’s really nice to meet you. Is that your real name, by the way?

Ophelia: Yes, I’m afraid it is. Of course, everyone knows Ophelia is a character in a play by Shakespeare. My parents loved the name, so now it’s mine too.

Jane:      Hm. Ophelia is a tragic character in the play, but things seem to be going well for you since you became famous suddenly last year.

Ophelia: Yes, the last year has been incredible. I was singing in my school show when a famous theatre director heard me. I was invited to go to an audition for a part in a big musical in London.

Jane:      Yes. And when people heard you sing at the premiere, all the tickets for the show were sold out in two days!

Ophelia: It was amazing. When the show finished, I started working on my own songs, and my CD came out before Christmas. Apparently, a million copies have been sold already.

Jane:      And I believe you’re working on a book about your life – so far!

Ophelia: Yes, I am. It’s crazy. I’m only nineteen, and my mother asked me: ‘What is there to say about someone so young?’ But I was asked to do it, and I’m working with a very good writer, so I hope my fans won’t be disappointed.

Jane:      So your biography will be published in June.

Ophelia: Yes, that’s right. 

D) It was Ophelia’s idea to write about her life. 

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Запитання 21

Wherever you go these days, everyone is talking about Ophelia. Her photo is on every billboard, her songs are playing in every shop. Our reporter, Jane Wilkes, met her in a café in London.

Jane:      So, Ophelia, it’s really nice to meet you. Is that your real name, by the way?

Ophelia: Yes, I’m afraid it is. Of course, everyone knows Ophelia is a character in a play by Shakespeare. My parents loved the name, so now it’s mine too.

Jane:      Hm. Ophelia is a tragic character in the play, but things seem to be going well for you since you became famous suddenly last year.

Ophelia: Yes, the last year has been incredible. I was singing in my school show when a famous theatre director heard me. I was invited to go to an audition for a part in a big musical in London.

Jane:      Yes. And when people heard you sing at the premiere, all the tickets for the show were sold out in two days!

Ophelia: It was amazing. When the show finished, I started working on my own songs, and my CD came out before Christmas. Apparently, a million copies have been sold already.

Jane:      And I believe you’re working on a book about your life – so far!

Ophelia: Yes, I am. It’s crazy. I’m only nineteen, and my mother asked me: ‘What is there to say about someone so young?’ But I was asked to do it, and I’m working with a very good writer, so I hope my fans won’t be disappointed.

Jane:      So your biography will be published in June.

Ophelia: Yes, that’s right. 

E) Ophelia’s writing an autobiography of her life so far. 

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Запитання 22

What type of TV program are you probably watching if you see the following?

People trying to answer questions

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a cartoon

a quiz show

a commercial

the news

Запитання 23

Actors doing and saying funny things

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a detective series

a soap opera

a documentary

a comedy series

Запитання 24

People discussing politics

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a quiz show

a current affairs programme

a commercial

a documentary

Запитання 25

The animal life of Antarctica

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a soap opera

a documentary

a talk show

a current affairs programme

Запитання 26

Guns, murder and police

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a quiz show

a comedy series

a detective series

a soap opera

Запитання 27

A person telling you what happened today

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a documentary

a talk show

a quiz show

the news

Запитання 28

Characters played by moving drawings

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a cartoon

a soap opera

a talk show

a documentary

Запитання 29

It is so hot in the room! - Just a moment, I ... the window.

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will open

is opening

Запитання 30

What are you doing on Saturday? - We ... basketball at the leisure centre.

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are playing

is playing

Запитання 31

I do not know how to use this programme. - No problem, I ... you how to work with it.

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am going to show

'll show



Запитання 32

Nick has got some great plans. He ... the holidays in Spain.

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is going to spend

will spend


is spending

Запитання 33

Choose the correct tense form.

Jack is on holidays. He ... to Egypt.

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has gone

is going

Запитання 34

Mike and Alice ... married last week.

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have got

will get

Запитання 35

A new season of a popular police series will be released next week: fans can't wait

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a quality paper

a tabloid

Запитання 36

A famous footballer and a model got married secretey!

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a quality paper

a tabloid

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