Creative worker who professionally collects, receives, creates and prepares information for the mass media.
Among the first newspapers in Ukraine was the ... .
The main national newspapers of Ukraine are ... .
Young people prefer reading ... magazines.
Who interviews people?
Newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet are ...
Teens don’t usually read about __
This heading will catch the ___
Subscribers are ___
Mass media is ___
A regular article in a newspaper or magazine about the behavior and private lives of famous people
Teens believe reading newspapers is _______
Press is a real _______
Оберіть правильну відповідь: Dan ________(buy) new jeans tomorrow.
Оберіть правильну відповідь: I think Ann____(not, visit) me tomorrow.
He ..... in the open air last summer.
Sam ..... a month ago.
Choose the correct answer.
I ... a newspaper at the moment.
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