Mass Media. Test

Додано: 1 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 184 рази
29 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— Nowadays children spend a huge percentage of their spare time watching television.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— The unlimited TV viewing can lead to health problems.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— Watching TV doesn’t influence children’s eyesight.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all important to a child’s development.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— Television can never have any educational value.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.

 Television may be a part of everyday life for most children, but is it safe? In our dynamic lives parents are so busy with their professional life and relationships, that they allow their children to spend a huge percentage of their free time watching television. Sometimes parents are so busy, in fact, that most of them don’t stop to consider the hidden dangers of unlimited viewing. The health risks which attend excessive television viewing are great in number and should not be underestimated. It contributes to growing problems of teenage fatness; it prevents regular exercise which could cause heart problems in later life. It leads to psychological problems if children are exposed to inappropriate materials and it can damage eyesight.

However, the most worrying problem is the negative effect that too much television can have on the early stage of a child’s development. Playing games, listening to stories and interacting with other children are all essential to a child’s emotional, physical and communication development. When television takes the place of these activities, we allow untold damage to be done. Of course, many would be quick to defend the educational value of television and there’s no doubt that properly managed television viewing can be beneficial. However, the dangers far outweigh the benefits. Until parents find time to exercise proper control over their children’s viewing habits, children’s health will continue to suffer.


— Television can never have any educational value.

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Запитання 7

Complete the sentences:

The man … is talking to Janis is a famous producer.

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Запитання 8

Complete the sentences:

This is the film in … Julia Roberts stars.

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Запитання 9

Complete the sentences:

I remember the day … Manchester United won the European Cup Final.

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Запитання 10

Complete the sentences:

Peter didn’t explain … he came late to the party.

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Запитання 11

Complete the sentences:

Jim is a photographer … studio is situated in the city centre.

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Запитання 12

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

We met your friend…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 13

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

Giraffes are animals…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 14

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

Thomas Edison was the scientist…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 15

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

I’ve got some relatives…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 16

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

Vesuvius is the volcano…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 17

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

The Beatles recorded songs…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 18

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

There is a ferry…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 19

Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.

A microwave is a machine…

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that were popular all over the world.

who plays the violin.

that goes from Venice to Corfu.

who invented1 the electric light.

that cooks food quickly.

which come from Africa.

who were born in Turkey.

which destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Запитання 20

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

The programme that I watched on TV last night was very interesting.

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Запитання 21

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

My dog, which I bought a year ago, has given birth to 8 puppies!

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Запитання 22

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

Walter’s grandmother, who lives in Scotland, got married yesterday.

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Запитання 23

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

Jessica and John, who have moved in next door, are both dentists.

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Запитання 24

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

The tree we planted last month is growing nicely.

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Запитання 25

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

Bill Gates, who is the richest man on earth, lives in Medina, Washington.

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Запитання 26

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

My child who’s afraid of spiders wants to go camping this weekend.

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Запитання 27

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

The man that I told you about has asked Minnie out on a date.

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Запитання 28

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

The hotel, where you can book a room, has two swimming pools and a bar.

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Запитання 29

Mark defining or non-defining relative clause

The shop where you can buy a map is just down the road from here.

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