Media. TEST 8th form

Додано: 21 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 168 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the right word

The television

The invention with the biggest impact 1) _____ probably the television. It was invented 2)____ a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures 3)____sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen 4)______not clear, but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America, and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were 5) _____ that same year. For £25 (£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images that were sent from a broadcasting station.

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Запитання 2

The invention with the biggest impact 1) _____ probably the television. It was invented 2)____ a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures 3)____ sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen 4)____ not clear, but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America, and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were 5)_____ that same year. For £25 (£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images that were sent from a broadcasting station.

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Запитання 3

The invention with the biggest impact 1) _____ probably the television. It was invented 2) _____ a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures 3) ____sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen 4)_____ not clear, but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America, and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were 5)______ that same year. For £25 (£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images that were sent from a broadcasting station.

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Запитання 4

The invention with the biggest impact 1) _____ probably the television. It was invented 2) _____ a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures 3) ____sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen 4) _____ not clear, but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America, and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were 5)____ that same year. For £25 (£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images that were sent from a broadcasting station.

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Запитання 5

The invention with the biggest impact 1)_____ probably the television. It was invented 2) _____ a Scottish man, John Logie Baird. The first televised pictures 3) ____sent over a short distance in 1924, and his invention was formally demonstrated at the Royal Institute two years later. The pictures on the screen 4) _____ not clear, but the viewers could see that they were human faces, and they could see their eyes opening and closing. In 1928, images were sent from Britain to America, and later, to a ship 1,500 miles out to sea. In the same year, the first colour images were sent. The first ‘seeing-in sets’ were 5) _____ that same year. For £25 (£1000 in today’s money), people in their homes could watch moving images that were sent from a broadcasting station.

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Запитання 6

Can you read this article in a tabloid or a quality newspaper?

"Parliament meets again....."

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quality paper

Запитання 7

Can you read this article in a tabloid or a quality newspaper?

"Shocking photos of a popular actress....."

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quality paper

Запитання 8

To enjoy reading the magazine you have to make the right .....

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Запитання 9

Subscribers are .....

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 people who pay the money to have each edition delivered to their house.

people who take the pictures, print them, search for necessary pictures on the Internet

people who proofread stories for spelling, grammar and punctuation and write the headlines.

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