модуль 1 мітчелл 5 клас

Додано: 22 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
19 запитань
Запитання 1

A. Cross out the odd word.

1. art – science – chef – geography –

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Запитання 2

2. UK – French – Canada – Ukraine –

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Запитання 3

3. Spain – Tuesday – Saturday – Monday –

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Запитання 4

4. keyboard – violin – music – guitar –

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Запитання 5

B. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Is that you / your brother?

B: No. That’s Tom. He / He’s is my cousin.

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  your/ He

  you/ He's

Запитання 6

2. I’m from the UK.

My/His name is Jason.

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Запитання 7

3. Julia and Olha are friends. They’re / Their favourite subject is history

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Запитання 8

4. She / She’s an actress. Her / His name’s Betty Bourne

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Запитання 9

C. Complete with the correct form of the verb be.

1. A: ______you a doctor?

B: Yes, I _____ .

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 Is/ am





Запитання 10

3. A: ______ that the new music teacher?

B: No, he _______the new English teacher

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Запитання 11

D. Complete these sentences.

1. Good morning! ______are you today?

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Запитання 12

2. _______ are you from?

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Запитання 13

3. _______your favourite kind of music?

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Запитання 14

E. Look at the clocks and write.

What time is it?


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It’s ten past nine. 


 It’s a quarter to two.

  It’s a quarter past three.

  It’s a quarter past two.

Запитання 15

What time is is?


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 It’s twenty past eleven.

  It’s twenty to two.


It’s half to eleven.

Запитання 16

What time is it?


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 It’s half past four. 

  It’s half to seven. 


 It’s half past six. 

Запитання 17

F. Match.

1. Who’s your favourite teacher?

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 a. I’m from Australia.

  b. Yes, I am.


c. He’s Chinese.

  d. Mrs Blake.

Запитання 18

2. What’s his favourite subject?

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 a. Mrs Blake.

  b. I’m fine, thanks.


c. Maths

  d. He’s Chinese.

Запитання 19

3. Are you good at maths?

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a. I’m from Australia.


 b. Yes, I am.


 c. Nice to meet you.


 d. I’m fine, thanks.

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