Моніторингова контрольна 5 клас НУШ

Додано: 14 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Read about Nancy and write T for True or F for False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I’m English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science. Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

1. Nancy and Rosa are friends.

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Запитання 2

Read about Nancy and write T for True or F for False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I’m English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science. Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

2. Rosa’s very good at history.

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Запитання 3

Read about Nancy and write T for True or F for False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I’m English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science. Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

3. Rosa and Mrs Diego are Spanish.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read about Nancy and write T for True or F for False.

Hi! I’m Nancy. I’m English and I’m thirteen years old. My new school is great and my new classmates are great too. My best friend's name is Rosa. She’s Spanish. She’s from Barcelona. She’s very good at science but she isn’t very good at history. I’m good at history but I’m not very good at science. Mrs Diego is my new geography teacher and she’s Spanish too. Geography isn’t my favourite subject but she’s my favourite teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That’s right. I speak Spanish too.

4. Geography is Nancy's favourite subject.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read and chose a, b or c.

The Taylor Family The Taylor family is a famous family on TV. Ray and Connie Taylor have got six children and their house is full of pets. They’re crazy about strange fish and they’ve got about fifty. Ray is an actor and he’s very tall and slim. Connie is from Italy and she’s got beautiful black hair and dark eyes. Their chubby baby girl is six months old and hasn’t got teeth. Her five brothers have all got fair hair and they are crazy about their baby sister.

5. Ray and Connie have got ____ children.

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Запитання 6

Read and chose a, b or c.

The Taylor Family The Taylor family is a famous family on TV. Ray and Connie Taylor have got six children and their house is full of pets. They’re crazy about strange fish and they’ve got about fifty. Ray is an actor and he’s very tall and slim. Connie is from Italy and she’s got beautiful black hair and dark eyes. Their chubby baby girl is six months old and hasn’t got teeth. Her five brothers have all got fair hair and they are crazy about their baby sister.

6. The Taylor family have got about fifty ______.

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Запитання 7

Read and chose a, b or c.

The Taylor Family The Taylor family is a famous family on TV. Ray and Connie Taylor have got six children and their house is full of pets. They’re crazy about strange fish and they’ve got about fifty. Ray is an actor and he’s very tall and slim. Connie is from Italy and she’s got beautiful black hair and dark eyes. Their chubby baby girl is six months old and hasn’t got teeth. Her five brothers have all got fair hair and they are crazy about their baby sister.

7. _______is very tall and slim.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Read and chose a, b or c.

The Taylor Family The Taylor family is a famous family on TV. Ray and Connie Taylor have got six children and their house is full of pets. They’re crazy about strange fish and they’ve got about fifty. Ray is an actor and he’s very tall and slim. Connie is from Italy and she’s got beautiful black hair and dark eyes. Their chubby baby girl is six months old and hasn’t got teeth. Her five brothers have all got fair hair and they are crazy about their baby sister.

8. _______has got dark eyes.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

Complete with Who, What, Where, How, When or Whose.

9. A: ____do you do after school?

B: I play computer games.

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Запитання 10

Complete with Who, What, Where, How, When or Whose.

10. A: ______is that man?

B: My uncle.

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Запитання 11

Complete with Who, What, Where, How, When or Whose.

11. A: _______is the bank?

B: Near the bookshop.

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Запитання 12

Complete with Who, What, Where, How, When or Whose.

12. A: ______do you usually do your homework?

B: After school.

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Запитання 13

Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

13. Alex (ride) his bike in the park every afternoon.

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do ride

does ride

Запитання 14

Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

14.  My parents (always / not get) up early on Saturdays.

варіанти відповідей

always doesn't get

always don't get

always get

always gets

Запитання 15

Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

15. Lucy (often / not go) to the cinema.

варіанти відповідей

often don't go

often doesn't go

often not go

often don't goes

Запитання 16

Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

16.  My cousin (do) arts and crafts and (make) jewellery.

варіанти відповідей

do, make

does, make

does, makes

do, makes

Запитання 17

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Answer the questions below:

• What’s your name?

• How old are you?

• Have you got a brother or a sister?

• Have you got a pet?

• Do you live in a flat or a house?

• What have you got in your bedroom?

варіанти відповідей

відповідь написати і відправити в класрум


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