I drink _______ coffee. I don't like it.
There is too _______ soup in my plate. Give me some more, please.
The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very _______ mushrooms.
Mary must not eat too ______ salt
Have you got _________ time to help me do the washing up.
We have to go to the supermarket. There is not _______ flour left.
Let's go outside for ________ fresh air.
The hall was almost empty: there were very _______ people in it.
She ate so _______ ice cream that she's going to have a sore throat.
There is _______ juice in my glass. Have you got any juice?
She gave him _______ water to wash his hands and face.
There is _______ salad left in this bowl.
This lemon drink is sour; if you put _______ sugar in it, it will be sweeter.
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