Chose the correct variant:
Which of these are not a kind of music?
Вкажіть,що не є жанром музики
Chose the correct variant of the sentence in Past Simple Passive:
All albums ______________ (to record) in 1960s.
Chose the correct variant of translation:
Концерт відвідали всі мої однокласники.
A person who writes music is a …
A group of musicians who play music together is called a ...
A person who stands in front of the orchestra is ... .
Choose all words that mean "чудовий"
DZIDZIO, Kazka, Onuka and Okean Elzy perform …
What instrument is played by hitting with a hand or a stick?
Chose the correct variant:
A person who plays the drums is a ...
Choose the right answer.
Mozart / by / symphony / the / written / was.
One song on a CD is called a ___.
This music is traditional, or “roots music”. It was considered as music of the lower classes.
Chose the right form of the Present Perfect Passive:
No letters __________ (to receive) from the university lately
Chose the right form of the Present Perfect Passive:
I ___________ (to give) an interesting English book.
Chose the right form of the Present Perfect Passive:
The doctor ______________ (not to send) for yet.
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