Обери слово, яке необхідно підставити в речення.
Betty has got problems with her teeth. She ______ eat a lot of sweets.
You _______ drive fast. It's dangerous.
Children _______ drink lots of milk.
You _______ shout in the hospital.
Scott _______ study hard for the Geography test. It's going to be difficult.
In the summer you _______ stay in the sun for too long.
I _________ wake up early at the weekends. There's no school.
It's cloudy outside. You ___________ wear sunglasses.
The aby is sleeping. You _________ turn on the radio.
You ________ look directly at the sun. You will damage your eyes.
Beverly _______ take a taxi to work. I'll drive her there.
People _______ talk on their mobile phone while driving. They may have an accident.
Ben _________ buy a sleeping bag. He can borrow mine.
Natalie _________cross the street alone. It's dangerous.
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