My friends.

Додано: 16 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 77 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Maria and Peter are nine years old.

Maria and Jeremy are eight years old.

Peter and Jeremy are nine years old.

Запитання 2

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Maria has got blond hair.

Maria hasn't got long hair.

Maria has got curly hair.

Запитання 3

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Jeremy has got a blue bag and jeans.

Jeremy hasn't got blue school bag.

Jeremy's pants are pink.

Запитання 4

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Peter's hair is blond and straight.

Peter's hair is black and curly.

Peter's hair is fair and long.

Запитання 5

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can 

do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Maria can't ride a bike and do karate.

Maria can play guitar and drive a car.

Maria can ride a bike.

Запитання 6

Let’s meet our new friends Maria, Jeremy and Peter. Maria has short brown hair and she is nine years old. Maria’s school bag is purple and her shoes are pink. Jeremy is eight years old and has small eyes and a big head. Jeremy’s school bag is blue and his pants are blue too. Peter is nine years old and has curly black hair. Peter has got a basketball, green shorts and a gray shirt. Maria can swim, can dance and can sing but she can’t ride a bike. Jeremy can climb, can roller-skate, and can ride a bike but he can’t play the piano. Peter can run fast, can draw, can 

do karate but he can’t drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

Peter can't drive a car.

Peter can scate and play the piano.

Peter can't do karate.

Запитання 7

Who is eight years old?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Who has got a basketball?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

Whose head is big?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

Who can swim very well?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

Who can't play the piano?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

Who has got green shorts on?

варіанти відповідей




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